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Well… I take back my comment that he seems sincere…


So glad it seems to be working out though!


That’s really frustrating! Sorry to hear that happened. I wanted to throw in my two cents because I had some black that needed to be touched up and was told it is possible.


I had a piece done and felt the artist had been a little sloppy with some outlines: overextending them, etc. I didn’t feel comfortable going back to him to ask him to fix it. After it was healed, I went to another shop and had a consultation discussing touching up the questionable areas. In talking with this other artist, I thought she had overlooked the main line (black outline) I wanted to be “erased” back to flesh color. I pointed  it out and I said I assumed nothing could be done to get rid of it. She kinda brushed it off saying that covering it with fleshtones would  be easy and that it was the other areas that concerned her.


Take that as you will. I never got around to having it touched up so I can’t share any actual results. Also, you don’t necessarily have to go back to that artist. Personally, I would–he seems sincere in wanting to fix it and he’s (supposedly) trained to do so, but, if you’re extra careful and respectful in your approach, another artist may be willing to fix it for you, rather than fully covering it up (that’s how my consultation went, anyway).


@buttwheat 145810 wrote:

Oh how I hate that. Shops don’t tattoo people tattooist do!

You’re absolutely right and I for one really took that advice to heart when looking around for my new artist! I only mentioned it because they seem to go above and beyond – as a staff, as a company, and as a brand – even outside of the artists they hire. Personally, I think it’s great that they’re getting their name out and I really appreciated that they – as a shop and the individual artist – provided such a great 1st experience for me. 😮


@Call_me_Lola 145802 wrote:

That came out nice, I like it. Who’s the artist?

Carol “Cricket” Jackie. She’s phenomenal!

I feel a little shy about sharing her name (internet privacy and all that), but she said she would like to use the piece in her portfolio – if the piece is going to be used for publicity anyway it seems silly to keep the name to myself!

She works at Rorschach Gallery in NJ. Just a side note: the shop was awarded “Best in NJ” a week or so ago! 🙂


Thank you all again for the replies and all of the advice – I got the tattoo yesterday and it was a fantastic first experience! My artist was amazing and I think the tattoo is beautiful. I won’t lie, toughing out the 5 hours of pain is something I’m very proud of (even the shop’s owners were impressed!). Like I promised, here’s a pic!

Thank you all again!!!!


Just an update and a quick question.

Went to the new parlor today. The artist I want was out sick but I spoke with their front desk person – exceptionally friendly and has two tattoos by the artist that are just stunning. She was extremely attentive in taking notes of what I want (she asked for a reference to print out for the artist, which I gave, and we used pieces from the artist’s portfolio as further examples). She books up fast so we decided to go ahead and set a consultation date and the tattoo date at her earliest availability, a week apart near the end of September, and they’ll be sure to get in contact if they need anything else. I didn’t realize it, but it sounds like this artist is pretty popular and has quite a few people travel for the chance to work with her – that’s always a positive sign!

I like everything about this place better; from the shop itself, to the staff, to what they had to say about the artist, to the artist’s portfolio (most importantly). I’m still a little nervous about not knowing what the final design will actually look like, but I truly love this artist’s portfolio and feel much more confident that I’ll be happy with the result.

I do have a question: Is this considered the normal format of most tattoo appointments? I realize this can vary drastically (especially if the design is smaller/larger or if you have the actual design already done), but you never really see this part on the reality shows. Is it typical to walk in, share your ideas, book the appointment, see the design a week or so before the date, then show up ready to have it done (hopefully with any new changes being exactly what you want)?

Anyhow, thank you guys again for the support. It really was the nudge I needed. In a month or so when I have my beautiful first tattoo, I will be sure to come back and share!


@turbosatan 145408 wrote:

And finally dont be scared. only reason to be scared is because you ahev a hangup about saying “thats not what i had in mind” the artist unless they know this cant help. so just say it.

“Based on what i think i want now , which is different to this design, i might have to think further about it. here is X dollars for your time spent on doign the design for now as im not 100% sure im going to come back here to have it done. “

dont be afraid and more importantly if you cannot say any of the above and it comes to it. do not go!!! if you cant bring yourself to discuss it for sure do not just turn up and ahve it done because you are too frightened to say you changed your mind.

Sincerely, thank you three! Especially you turbosatan. It’s amazing how just having that little extra support really can help get your head back on straight. I’m getting my tattoo as a sort of a celebratory piece… I definitely don’t want to resent it or look back on a negative experience. I haven’t heard a reply yet, but I am following buttwheat’s example… he may be perfect for someone else but not for me. I only have his email so I immediately emailed him saying he does great work, I’m happy to compensate him for the sketches, and would love to leave a positive (and honest) review of my experience, but I need to re-evaluate and won’t be going further. No matter his reply, I’m deciding this isn’t a good fit.

You guys are right…

1) It’s silly being scared to say “sorry, that’s not what I expected.”
2) If it is really this much of a concern (and I’m willing to not show up as a last resort… which I most definitely am), it should be obvious to me that there’s a problem.

I looked around just this morning after sending the email and actually found another shop with perfect and numerous reviews, but more importantly there is an artist there with a portfolio full of some the exact kind of images I had been showing for references – I just had to expand my search radius a little to find it. I already feel more confident that this may be a better fit and will see if the artist will have time to talk.

We’ll see how this goes. Good or bad I’ll be sure to come back and say what happens. I’ll either be on my way to getting my tattoo, or I’ll take up the offer to have help looking for a new artist.

Fingers crossed…

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