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I have both a nose piercing and a lip piercing, both with just a diamond stud for everyday wear, and maybe ill play it up occasionally by putting a horseshoe or continuos hoop in my lip or maybe a thin hoop in my nose. But never both, cause thats a little to much in my opinion.
So im going to tell you to go for what you really want. Maybe try experimenting with those stick on diamond jewels you can get from walmart..or I know that the walmart in my town has the fake piercing jewelrey where you can just slide it on your lip or just stick on a diamond. That way you can play around with it and see which one you like more.

Cause in the end its going to be on your face….no-one elses.

Benjaminho;55908 wrote:
youve made your mind up :p opinions are not valid anymore :p – when u get something in your mind, tattoo-wise, youve thought about it a lot – so its hard to get out

Your almost right lol.. i’ve thought long and hard about it.

Im just torn in between wether to go with color potraits or black/grey potraits. I’ve looked at probably over 300 sleeves but can’t decide.

So I figured I would ask for advice where people knew a little better than others about tattoos 🙂


Thanks so much for the opinions. Im getting my sleeve done my Justin Page. He’s very well known around my east tennesse area and has done alot of big names…

He does really good work with potraits of color and flowers. He’s amazing.
But lets keep the opinions coming.


They always say go big or go home 🙂

Amazing work dude.


nah…..sorry boys.
Dont think the boyfriend would approve.

Nice try though hah.


Well guys……

I finally got it done 😀
Took like at the most a couple of minutes. The piercer and I sat their and talked for most of the time i was in there. As far as for me i didnt think it hurt….well probably because i had numbing stuff on it.
I love how it looks. I would recommend it to any girl if you want something new.

peachiepoo;35135 wrote:
Okay, being a FEMALE who has a hood piercing…let me say this:

I LOVE my hood piercing…it definately is stimulating and it makes walking anywhere a totally NEW experience. Maybe you should consider a hood piercing instead…

Im sorry for not clearly stating myself. I meant the hood piercings..except i want mine vertically pierced. I should have stated that i know a lot of people who are miseducated call it a clit piercing but i was talking about the hood.


I agree with Knight Hawk.

I’ve looked on the internet at tattoos..just to see what everyones into and such.
But i would never take a picture to the tattoo artist and tell them i want the same exact tattoo in the same exact place. I would be kind of embarressed to walk around with it on knowing i took from somebody else.

Im all for the person thinking of ideas out of their own head to put on their own body. I mean if your going to get something permamnent…you should put some thought into it right?


well i have three tattoos so far.

#1. I have “Confidence Is Beautiful” written on the muscle above the collar bone. I feel like its just a true all around statement. Especially for girls. In society today females believe to be beautiful you have to be stick thin with big boobs and big butt. But its so not true. I just hope when people see me with this tattoo they think about what it really means.

#2. My second tattoo is 10 different words with 5 little symbols all shaped into a star. This piece took me a couple days to think up. Words express me if you can’t tell already. But the 10 words describe what i stand for and what im made up of.

#3. My last but not least tattoo is the beginning of a music piece from the move “Schindlers List.” The music is written in Alto Clef. I play the Viola and also the piano. But i excel more at the viola. The viola has presented many oppurtunities in my life and has taught me to try new things. But I chose the theme song for this movie because it is beautiful and is actually played by a viola and is my favorite piece for my instrument. I always wanted a tattoo to deal with the viola and this was my perfect idea for instead of the alto clef which is pretty cliche in my opinion cause of everyone having a treble clef or bass.


That is awesome.
I always wished my parents were tattoo artists so that maybe when i was little i could’ve been inspired. Always have wanted to be able to give tattoos but know i would puss out if i ever tried.

I say if she wants to do it…let her go for it. Everyone always says is your going to dream…dream big and who knows what will happen. Props to the parents!


I don’t think tattoos specifically make a person sexier.
I believe that you have to look good to begin with. A lot of people see celebrities with tattoos they like and looks good on the celebrity and think in their head that it would look the same on them. When that is totally not true.

But then agan the tattoos can either be classy or trashy which can make or break a person also.


My bestfriend is the type to rush into things. And after seeing that i got 3 tattoos she decided that it must be cool and she must get one ASAP. So everyday at least 3 times a day she would come up with something different that was really random to put on her body and in different places.
Finally i told her that a tattoo is important and should be thought about.

I believe if your friend already has the tattoos.. there is really nothing you can do about those. But just remind them that a tattoo is forever and should have a meaning to it. Not because they like it as soon as they see it. And the next time they ask your opinion on a tattoo they want to get, ask them what it means to them and see if it makes sense lol.



Sure Do.

I made an album. Couldn’t quite figure out how to put an image on the forum. Tried like 3 times and came up wrong everytime.

But there up please go look at them and tell me what you think.:)


Sure Do.

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