replied to the topic 5yr old tattoo is bumpy, infected, rejecting? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 13 years ago
So I had the dermatologist appt and was prescribed Triamcinolone acetonide cream USP 0.1%. I have used it 3 times in 2 days and already the dryness is gone and the bumps seem to be going down.. he said to use it twice a day for a month and then go see him, but he couldnt tell me what the problem might be. any info?
replied to the topic 5yr old tattoo is bumpy, infected, rejecting? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 13 years ago
yes I am pretty sure it is removing the skin, although I don’t know how they would remove a 5″by 5″ square.. i wouldn’t recommend googling it either.
replied to the topic 5yr old tattoo is bumpy, infected, rejecting? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 13 years ago
Very good idea, but the only issue with that is that I have been taking Benadryl for sleeping purposes for many, many years, and i’m not sure that I see much improvement of typical allergies when taking it since I have built up a tolerance. (i realize this isnt the best idea, but it was recommended instead of taking sleeping meds)
I will go to the…[
replied to the topic 5yr old tattoo is bumpy, infected, rejecting? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 13 years ago
that sounds like my absolute worst nightmare………..completely freaked out, can’t wait for my appt. thanks for the info. 🙁
replied to the topic 5yr old tattoo is bumpy, infected, rejecting? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 13 years ago
what happens if it is an allergic reaction? would it have to be removed typically? it seems to be getting worse and really really hurts.
replied to the topic 5yr old tattoo is bumpy, infected, rejecting? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 13 years ago
im glad i have a pcp and dermatology appt in the next few weeks, but thanks so much for the suggestions in the meantime. I am going to pick up some creams that you guys suggested and see how it works… I am really ,really hoping it is just dry skin or something that can be cleared up with some topical cream. such a shame
replied to the topic 5yr old tattoo is bumpy, infected, rejecting? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 13 years ago
I had eczema as a child and do have very small patches on my arms sometimes.. maybe you are right, it is dry and itchy and very similar. it was red bumps with no dry skin before , about a year ago. then it turned into that.
replied to the topic 5yr old tattoo is bumpy, infected, rejecting? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 13 years ago
The tattoo was beautiful when I got it, and I was told by a lot of people that it was a good tattoo. Obviously not since then have I had many compliments. I was 19 when I got this and unforunately very uneducated, ignorant and too compulsive to think things through. I did get many other tattoos from this artist, as did my friends, which came out…[Read more]