replied to the topic A challenging cover up! in the forum Tattoo Removal Discussion 13 years ago
Ok, so how can i find an artist that is suited to cover ups? I mean are there artists who specialise?
replied to the topic A challenging cover up! in the forum Tattoo Removal Discussion 13 years ago
What do you think of this guys work? it looks very dark so might be conducive to the kind of cover up i’d need. Do some artists not like to do cover ups?
replied to the topic A challenging cover up! in the forum Tattoo Removal Discussion 13 years ago
I posted the thread actually because CornishTiger suggested I do so to get some second opinions, they’ve all been very helpful and I appreciate it a lot.
I agree, it wasn’t the artist or the shops fault…there a great shop with excellent artists and thats why i chose them. I made a mistake and it turned out very badly. I think i should probly go…[Read more]
replied to the topic A challenging cover up! in the forum Tattoo Removal Discussion 13 years ago
Yep, it all has just turned out very badly…but do you think that a cover up will be possible with enough laser treatments? I was thinking 10 over a year or so?
replied to the topic A challenging cover up! in the forum Tattoo Removal Discussion 13 years ago
And no, it was done at the Family Business…one of london’s premier tattoo shop’s. The artist is a guy called noon who is actually in very high demand (hard to believe i know, looking at this!)
replied to the topic A challenging cover up! in the forum Tattoo Removal Discussion 13 years ago
Yeh i mean I know its turned out bad…the angle of the picture makes it look even worse. Its supposed to be a wine bottle, a vase and a hand holding a glass. Its based on a poem by Ernest Dowson and the line ‘They are not long the days of wine and roses’.
It was supposed to be in a cubist style but its really turned out awfully. Thanks very much…[Read more]
replied to the topic A challenging cover up! in the forum Tattoo Removal Discussion 13 years ago
Sorry, just to clarify I meant i’d prefer to keep it black and grey. And it can’t go below the elbow for work reasons.
thanks again