replied to the topic Will heavy metal ever make a comeback and get rid of all the wimp-rock? in the forum Music – Video – Film 18 years ago
I’m in agreeance with vinster. The last time that metal got popular, it was watered down by all the crap the record labels threw out. I’m just fine with it being underground.
replied to the topic What is the future of rock n roll? in the forum Music – Video – Film 18 years ago
(1950something – 1991)
replied to the topic heavy metal band members from 70s and 80s? in the forum Music – Video – Film 18 years ago
In the 70s and 80s they were young, rebelious, and “cool”. Now, they are all older and in most cases have other means of income other than their music, and let’s face it, once you get to a certain age, long hair just doesn’t look quite right on a dude.
replied to the topic any arena rock fans fans out there? in the forum Music – Video – Film 18 years ago
Bon Jovi
Motley Crue
PoisonThe list could continue…