replied to the topic Geometric Tattoo in the forum Tattoo Ideas 11 years, 5 months ago
@poxphobia 134401 wrote:
1) If I were you, I’d size up. You are going for very thin lines here, and some of them are very close together. This can end up looking blurry and terrible after a few years, even with a great artists.
2) You’d want to place it slightly lower on your wrist. If you want to draw, here is a lesson for you; The motif should… -
replied to the topic Geometric Tattoo in the forum Tattoo Ideas 11 years, 5 months ago
@GrayCatLove 134399 wrote:
18 is awfully young to get something like that on your wrist that’s going to impact you forever. Just sayin’.
I realize that, (and I it’s not even a done deal that I will have it done then), but I think that as long as I think it through and don’t impulsively go for it, I’ll be okay. I would think its smarter to get a…[Read more]
replied to the topic Geometric Tattoo in the forum Tattoo Ideas 11 years, 5 months ago
@Sam-I-Am 134395 wrote:
Welcome to the forum!
Be absolutely certain that’s what you want. I prefer color and more natural tattoos.
Are you going to tattoo yourself? (your profile indicates that you are a tattoo artist / piercer)
Thank you!
Yeah, I am 17, so I’ve got at least a year to be sure I absolutely love it. And no, I will not be…[Read more]