replied to the topic A few of mine in the forum Inked Skin 14 years, 11 months ago
That Dali piece is awesome 🙂
replied to the topic Reds and Oranges in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 14 years, 11 months ago
Personally, I know they’re a hassle to heal. It looks like it’s scarred, the skin is raised and continually flakes. Eventually (in my experience) it turns normal, but it takes a long time (over a month)
replied to the topic Top 11 Worst NBA Tattoos Ever in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 11 months ago
Well, there goes your membership haha. Spamming P.O.S
replied to the topic Hep c in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 11 months ago
I’d imagine that there would be quite a few tattooists who won’t tattoo you
replied to the topic Im thinking of getting a forearm tat, Can you give me ur opinions? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 12 months ago
If you go on the ribs, you’ll be able to cover it a lot better, but you’d have to make it huge to look real good. To make it look real badass, you’d probably have to start from below the hip and go right up to the armpit, being quite wide too.
replied to the topic Im thinking of getting a forearm tat, Can you give me ur opinions? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 12 months ago
The idea sounds awesome dude, kinda reminds me a bit of my girlfriend’s (Daisy De La Hoya) sleeve.
Personally I would love a sleeve like that too except have a haunted mansion piece – dracula, frankenstein, werewolves, the whole gang in there. You gotta find an artist who would will do it justice though.
I wear long sleeves for my job, and had a…[Read more]
replied to the topic Kiwi with Ink in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years, 12 months ago
Hey dude, there’s a mod here (Izzarink) who is a tattooist from NZ.
If you’re riding a Buell I’m sure you have plenty of money to put towards sleeves 😀
replied to the topic The random thoughts thread… in the forum General Discussion 14 years, 12 months ago
I hope I get this job I had an interview for!
replied to the topic Lotions or Creams in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 14 years, 12 months ago
The colours aren’t going to be as bright as when you first got them – layers of skin heal over the ink, and skin’s not 100% transparent.
As for the lotions, I’ve heard Aquaphor is fine (haven’t used it myself), and any non-scented sort of lotion should be ok to use a few days later.
Most artists do a touch up free of charge. -
replied to the topic Side of neck in the forum Inked Skin 14 years, 12 months ago
seniorminnion;64750 wrote:
I’m new to this forum and I cant believe all the “I love it” type comments on here — surely not everyone likes everyone elses tattoos ?– very few people seem to criticise others art ?
– that said – not liking someones work is totally different to judging their right to have it ( or indeed where they have it !)…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Right or left arm? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 12 months ago
I went with my left arm (my opposite). I’ve got 2 moles on my right arm and just thought it would be easier to just do it on my left arm.
replied to the topic Right or left arm? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 14 years, 12 months ago
I went with my left arm (my opposite). I’ve 2 moles on my right arm and just thought it would be easier to just do it on my left arm.
replied to the topic Side of neck in the forum Inked Skin 14 years, 12 months ago
Looks pretty sick dude 😀
replied to the topic Pain when getting a tattoo, advice?I in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago
Bdubbs;64438 wrote:
Maybe you should get some fake tattoos I heard those are less painful…Nah don’t do that man, you could get a papercut, that would hurt too much…
replied to the topic Jobs that discriminate in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago
In Australia where I live, you’re probably more likely to get a job in a fashion store if you have tattoos. Not a formal wear shop, but something aimed at younger people.
I’ve got something called a Tatjacket, it’s a flesh coloured piece of nylon stuff (like a stocking) that covers up your tatts pretty well. I’ve got a job interview Monday, if…[Read more]
replied to the topic Looking to work Reception in the forum General Discussion 15 years ago
Good luck dude, the only person I’ve ever seen lucky enough to have that job is that girl off LA Ink.
replied to the topic Damn it! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years ago
I’ve got a Black Cat set of healing stuff, there’s special spray on soap stuff, salve and lotion. I didn’t use the soap, just the salve.
I don’t soap it, but I don’t cover it up in the shower either, I let a bit of water run over it.
Every time I get another session on my arm, it scabs up big time over 1-2 weeks. I don’t use the lotion until the…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Damn it! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years ago
Thanks Butterfly, I got a severed head, I might put some pictures up when it’s healed.
replied to the topic Damn it! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years ago
Ah well what can you do. It’s done damage but hopefully it’s all easily fixed. I was mighty pissed off when I did it, more relaxed now.
replied to the topic Damn it! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years ago
Once it’s all healed up we’ll see what we can do, I can already tell there’s parts that are going to look majorly faded and scarred. Hopefully blasting more ink into it solves the problem.
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