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my gf and i got one each maybe 10 days ago and same thing happening shrinking and peeling im positive its part of the process
jinnys right. theres no need to get personal. someone asked for critique on a tattoo IDEA but got suppppper offended when someone had something mildly derogatory to say. mister, if you think youre ready to get tattoos, you be better be prepared for bad feedback too. son.
that isnt normal at all/supier unhealthy/kind of gross. see an expert. as i myself am an expert i can SAFELY tell you to have it lasered off.
.3 hours flat. i know…because it was done by MEEE
o, and a jupiter glyph? do you mean the number 4??
yea, ive got tattoos , youve jsut got ideas. i have enough nuts to get mine done instead of posting bull on the internet. and trying to insult my mother? youre probably not old enough to get tattoos anyways it doesnt sound like. just keep posting threads and trying to get personal with people that actuall have what it takes. sex deprivision often induces vagina hallucinations also so, theres a good reason for it looking that way. to you.
i bet whoever did the tattoo has a killer idea for color, otherwise that persons right; aqua sorta color
yeah youve got wat they call “Tattoo gangreen”. if you dont get this treated its likely youll be needing a new chest. the best thing you can do is not see a dr and immediatley get the tattoo lasered off. trust me.
yeah, i suggest you post an internet thread and allow a stranger to choose the spot for your tattoo as an excuse to tell people about nothing more than an idea
yeah your rigth house is a fake show. the idea of a magnet pulling metal is pretty bull?? and seconld,y apology not accepted because your idea is sooo lame that adding metal to it makes it, somehow, even Lamer! you are the worst and your idea sounds pooey to a heterosexual.
you havent seen many quote designs??? are you stevie wonder???? and if i was choosing the design, i wouldnt base it off a hollywood movie like brokeback mountain. cuz that is pretty “homosexual”(no homo)
why get someone else to design your tattoo? so when people complment it you can give credit to a stranger off the internet? just watch really weird cartoons and youll probably get a cool idea