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Looking a lot better fella.
@buttwheat 132044 wrote:
Yeah I kinda like it also Im not to sure on the pink rays coming out of his head but its different I like it.
The rays are deffo a red colour in person.
Nice work you have there.
I was expecting tattoos of these two-
Nice tattoo’s BTW
It’s a display of my membership of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, details here
The level of comedic genius is why I keep posting on here!!!:p:D:D
Thanks for the welcomes but I’m sure I had those on my introduce yourself thread two years ago.Don’t know how I’ve been overlooked with an average of 14 posts a year!!!!lol:D:D
Like many words in the Enlish language(bungalow,khaki) they where brought back by soldiers serving in the British Army in India.
Two pounds is written £2
Two pence is written 2p
Anything to do with shopping in a supermarket. It’s why the Wife is normally dispatched to do that.
An EAP themed tat might be one way to take. A Raven sat on a bust of Pallas is one thought. A chamber door is another option,a chamber pot isn’t!!!!!
Hadn’t considered other meanings and it’s not a tribute. I’d been reading Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘The Raven’ and wondered what the difference between a Raven and a Crow was. So after googling it, I saw the picture in my first post and thought it would make a cracking tattoo.
Some people might associate it with darker meanings but for me it’ll just be a fantastic bit of art on my body.
Already emailed both of them to the shop today. Just got to see what will work on my chest and shoulder as I already have a chest plate on my rh side. T hey might even suggest elsewhere to get it to work properly.
Thanks guys, pretty much what I thought.
Found this pic and depending what’ll fit better on my chest/shoulder I’ll ask for something to be drawn up.
Like it a lot.
Good tat, nicely done.
By the way, you have chimpanzees which are apes not monkeys.