replied to the topic Laser Tattoo Removal Very Dangerous in the forum General Discussion 14 years, 2 months ago
The laser tattoo removal process is shooting the particles of ink are broken down and taken into the bodies bloodstream hoping your immune system will wash it away. Evidently my immune system was shot down by this and I caught a virus. If this sort of thing can happen, I say that laser removal of tattoos can be a very dangerous thing.
replied to the topic Laser Tattoo Removal Very Dangerous in the forum General Discussion 14 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for the comments. As I stated the Dr. did admit that the tattoo removal process can shoot down your immune system and then you can catch a virus. To me that alone tells me that this process is not safe enough for me or anybody else and I’m just trying to get the word out. I went through hell and I am just trying to save anyone else of…[Read more]