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yodaddynukka;98692 wrote:
have you asked your artist?

Yeah but he seemed very pissed off at the time so figured I’d leave it alone.

Normally I plan them to make sure I know what I want & then let him do his thing as I know he’ll smash it. Plus if he wants to change bits I listen as he knows best.

I doubt I’ll get another session done for a month but will see what he has to say next time.

Aussie Tom;98465 wrote:
Does it have to be an animal? If you want evil you should look at Horiyoshi III’s 100 demons book.

Possibly not, I have 100 demons & 108 heroes, demon thing is a bit evil to be on display all the time (plus I don’t think it really goes with what I’ve already got).

Sherav;98562 wrote:

There is a wealth of material as many spirits were seen as malicious in folklore – check out the shapeshifters.

Okami were spirit wolves that hid themselves in a female shape tearing out of the skin to devour their victims.
Could have a geisha style woman transforming into a demon wolf as one example.

There were also fire spirits hat would take the form of a monk in cowl in shape.

Well worth checking out.

Take care

Got any links mate, google isn’t turning much up….

arnoldsantos1;98683 wrote:
why would u rule out a skull or snake ? you have two dragons.

Yes but the two dragons both play off each other & were designed together, not sure I see the point of just putting another skull on the same arm “because”.


Amen to that my first tattoo cost me £30 to have done & £400 to have removed!

Thank god I found my first two pieces so painful I didn’t go back until I’d grown up or I’d be covered in all kinds of dumb shit.

Briscogun;98515 wrote:
Kaosone, thats some amazing work you’ve got going on there! I’m a big fan of he traditional japanese work, and you have some nice pieces. Looks like you’ve got some works in progress?

And welcome! Pull up a chair and stay for a while!

Yes, I was having my back done but blew the engine up in my bike that stopped my getting work done for a while. I was also having a dilemma as to whether I should get full sleeves or not & was constantly changing my mind.

Then I decided fuck it & just went & got the first one done, when I have a design for the other side I’ll get that done then finish off my back. I’ve actually had another session on my back since the above photo & probably should have at least finished having the outline completed before starting my sleeves but it was a spur of the moment thing.



Thanks everyone, here’s a few more…..









Plus when I am traveling I try to swing by whatever tattoo shops I can………






Hello Mate,

I had a tribal piece lasered off which was about 3″ x 4″ & it was £50 a session, however I am not sure where he’s getting an hour from as mine where literally 1 minute each. Plus that laser really hurts so no way you’ll be getting an hour done.

If I recall they said I should go every 3 months for a session & could go sooner but it would be less effective. I didn’t notice a difference after the first 3 – 4 sessions & then I figured I was getting ripped off but after that I really stated disappearing quickly. I think in the end I only had about 7 sessions & there is a faint outline but I’ve had it worked over.

You’re might come of quicker as it doesn’t look as dark as mine was.


Wardy;98459 wrote:
Welcome to your new home. You have some nice work on you dude. You will enjoy it here

Cheers mate, just had a look round & I think you’re right (I am not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing though :D)!

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