Kebert Xela
replied to the topic I got my first tattoo on my wrist last Friday (5-9-08) and now it's starting… in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 16 years, 9 months ago
the scabbing will last approximately Caps Lock Minutes
but then again, I’ve seen it last Caps Lock Weeks as well
so Caps Lock Caps Lock Caps Lockand have an excellent day
if you want an answer other than Caps Lock
try searching for the answer
or going with my guess of 120 hours -
replied to the topic I was thinking of getting a tattoo and I was wondering how painful it is? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 16 years, 10 months ago;_ylt=AksDzbkCtaIINdbFIz0HB24Qxgt.;_ylv=3?p=inner+wrist+tattoo+pain
the search bar works
now to answer (half-a**ed of course since I just gave you a link to a hundred answers….)
I reckon pain varies from person to person
and something that might be a 9/10 for me might be a 2/10 for youmy rib…[Read more]
replied to the topic My husband wants to get a new tattoo what should I do? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 1 month ago
get on any website at all that shows tattoos and show him how trendy that paticular design has become
say something like “way too many people are doing it”
OR, you could just be honest and tell him what you told us
that you really just don’t want him to do it.
….and that you’re not saying that to be __tchey or controlling….just because you…[Read more]