replied to the topic Hey From Michigan! in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
Hi and welcome! I’m a former Michigander too, also transplanted to Florida. Got any ink yourself? If so, pics please.
replied to the topic Latin Tattoo in the forum Tattoo Ideas 14 years ago
If it were English, you’d be right. However, in Latin, the verb is almost always placed at the end of the sentence. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but sentences in Latin aren’t read left to right like they are in English; words are put together based on the declension/case/number/etc. they’re in, and read that way. If you want it to sound…[Read more]
replied to the topic Latin Tattoo in the forum Tattoo Ideas 14 years ago
ClarkCSM;81862 wrote:
I’m thinking either Animus est Invictus- The spirit is invincible, or Animus Invictus- Invincible Spirit, under my right collar bone.I also want it all in caps and the U’s turned into V’s because in traditional roman carvings, that’s how they wrote the language.
If you do decide to get that particular phrase and would…[Read more]
replied to the topic What Method Do You Use? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 14 years ago
I used saran wrap on my most recent tattoo upon recommendation of my artist. I left it on overnight initially, then washed with Ivory soap and wrapped in new saran 3x a day for two days. No ointment, no lotion, nothing for the first 48 hours. It was completely healed in 5 days, and it’s a pretty large piece that takes up most of my upper arm.…[Read more]
replied to the topic bumps? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 14 years ago
bigj0110;81551 wrote:
Last edited by bigj0110; Yesterday at 05:25 PM..Please tell me I’m not the only one who laughed at this. There must have been too many complete sentences in the first draft.
OP, sorry, but for crying out loud: SPELL CHECK. GOOGLE. ANYTHING.
replied to the topic Chest Finished in the forum Inked Skin 14 years ago
Wow, that is almost hypnotic!!! Very well done; congrats!
replied to the topic My tattoo album in the forum Inked Skin 14 years ago
The pin-up bike piece is KILLER!!! Thanks for posting.
replied to the topic Some of my Tattoos in the forum Inked Skin 14 years ago
That piece is STUNNING. Thank you for sharing. It makes me think of The Old Man and the Sea. 🙂
replied to the topic Hi there! New to the forum but not to ink in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
maniacthw;81263 wrote:
I live in Brandon, of course I beat you :D.As for Battlestar Galactica… It was written by a comic writer… You into any comics? 😮
Nah, I’ve never been much into comics. I have great respect for the art, but I’ve never really sat down with anything. Nothing against it really, I’ve just always been drawn to more…[Read more]
replied to the topic Hi from Ireland in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
Welcome! I really like your man diamond, as you call it. Got any more planned?
replied to the topic Hi there! New to the forum but not to ink in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
maniacthw;81239 wrote:
Welcome. And by “BFE” Florida, are you referring to Gaskin? :OHa, no. I had to Google that to figure out where that even is. I’m down on the Space Coast, smack in between Daytona and Cocoa. It’s pretty desolate out here. Looks like you have me beat though!
reefdiver;81241 wrote:
what is that tattoo on your arm…[
replied to the topic new ink in the forum Inked Skin 14 years ago
Fantastic detail. Love it.
replied to the topic Central Fl? in the forum US Tattoo and Piercing – Artists and Parlours 14 years ago
I got my thigh piece (see my album for a photo) done by Enrique Zayas at Chrome Lotus in Orlando; he’s a little heavy-handed but I can’t recommend him highly enough.
replied to the topic Hi there! New to the forum but not to ink in the forum Introduce Yourself 14 years ago
Thanks to all for the warm welcome!!! I’m looking forward to working on the rest of my half-sleeve; my ideas are still pretty nebulous, but once my artist and I get some better ideas, I’ll be sure to post.