replied to the topic 2nd tattoo ideas in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 8 months ago
@Anthony DiLucido 140681 wrote:
I just feel like if I’m going to get something that’ll be on my skin forever I want it to mean something to me
Oh, I *HATE* it when people insist tattoos have to have some deeper meaning. It misses the point of tattoos entirely, and it also causes people with mediocre or worse ink to defend their pieces to the…[Read more]
replied to the topic Numbing Cream UK in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 8 months ago
Well, rather than numbing it, you could try not being such a pussy?
I know that’s harsh and we try to avoid that in these parts, but, for real.
Why would you want to numb it anyway? Tattoos hurt. They’re supposed to. The pain and the blood are part of the price we pay. It’s what sets us apart, that willingness to endure for the art we love for…[Read more]
replied to the topic Interesting, we can keep our skins after! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 8 months ago
That’s it. When I die, I’m having these guys make a Knighthawk skin leather jacket for my wife to wear.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic Wolf piece in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 8 months ago
That’s a pretty descent bobcat.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic My first tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 8 months ago
That is pretty killer my an.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic Unusual request. I need an idea in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 9 months ago
Well, I got zombie Kermit the Frog on my ass due to a bet. But Jesus,
Jesus is taking it too far.Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic the start of my second tattoo… in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
It may just be my ancient ass monitor, but the pic doesn’t seem to be clear enough for me to see what’s going on there. All I see is a bunch of squiggles. I ain’t saying that’s what your ink looks like, I’m just saying I have no idea what’s going on in there in this pic.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic My 2nd Tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
It’s alright my man. Ain’t nothing to be ashamed of.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic Hack/Slash vs. Freddy, Jason, Slenderman, and Pinhead in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
@NorCalDan 140415 wrote:
sorry,but it just does’nt have that “wow” factor IMO.
ya,I think it needs more.
Well, yeah, it’s less than 10% done. This is going to be a massive, complex piece when it’s done. I’m looking at 10 more sessions minimum. It doesn’t look like anything yet because it isn’t anything…yet.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic Hack/Slash vs. Freddy, Jason, Slenderman, and Pinhead in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
@jerryatrophy 140378 wrote:
Must include leatherface
Nah, that’s not going to happen. I always thought Leatherface was overrated. He was in exactly one great movie: the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. All of the sequels and remakes pretty much stunk. The only exception is that sequel they made to the original film about two years ago, which was…[Read more]
replied to the topic Color done on my sternum piece! in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
Damn those colors pop! That is some killer ink. Wear it with pride!
Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic Activism Tattoo Design in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
Man, you need to step back and take a deep breath. This big jumble of ideas is in no way going to coalesce into a coherent design.
Besides, you’re falling into that old trap–that your ink needs to make a statement, or tell a story. Art exists to be awesome, to elicit a gut-level response. The more explanation your piece requires, the more of a…[Read more]
replied to the topic I like my tattoo but… in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
@ArniVidar 140263 wrote:
If you want to nitpick, that one leg seems to be sticking out of the middle of the bird’s stomach, so adding another one without some serious consideration won’t necessarily be any better.
The entire bird is just strangely proportioned, and twisted, which creates the unfortunate situation that you find yourself in.
I think… -
replied to the topic Clitoris Demon finished in the forum Inked Skin 10 years, 9 months ago
@Amok 139682 wrote:
Not sure where you got a photo of my ex’s genitals for the reference, but nice tattoo!
She from Kentucky? Because my first wife has convinced me all Kentucky girl’s crotches look a little something like this.
Thanks you guys, I’m still psyched for this piece. Gotta say though, I’ve noticed men all seem to dig it, but women…[Read more]
replied to the topic Clitoris demon tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 5 months ago
@Sam-I-Am 134305 wrote:
That is going to be one fucking awesome piece!It reminds me of a subliminal whiskey advertisement from the 1970’s.
I gotta say, I never noticed whiskey needing the help 😀
Thanks my man.
Nate, Dagoth’s got that giant dick on his forehead. I seriously would not want to se the two of them get together.
Thanks…[Read more]
replied to the topic Pinup girl on Fat Man nuke bomb – reworked!! in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 5 months ago
It looks alot better my man.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic music related tattoos ????????? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 5 months ago
“Life’s geting rough so you know you better buckle,
P-U-N-X tattooed on my knuckles,
Man you can forget those shackles,
because I am free.”-Dj, Dj
The TransplantsLove. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic How do you find inspiration? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 5 months ago
@buttwheat 133774 wrote:
I smoke a shitload of dope
I have no trouble believing this.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
replied to the topic How do you find inspiration? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 5 months ago
Random interesting phrases with no further direction tossed at my artist, The Almighty Troy Coe.
For example, my two squids. My nickname used to be Squid. When I got my first squid, I had just read “The Zombie Survival Guide”, back before this huge zombie craze got into full swing, so I threw the phrase “Zombie Squid” at my man Troy to see what…[Read more]
replied to the topic 13 hours in on ribs so far in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 5 months ago
Fuck me with a rusty rake. That is fuckin killer.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
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