replied to the topic how can i heal a scab on my new tattoo? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 16 years, 9 months ago
Continue to do what your doing. You may want to take a damp paper towel and blot the spot every so often to soften the scab so that it will fall off on it’s own. It may take longer for that spot to heal but what you’re doing is fine.
replied to the topic I'm thinking about getting a tattoo on the side of my hip (pics included)? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 16 years, 10 months ago
It will look good if it’s done right.
Everyone’s pain tolerence is different. You’ll have some discomfort.
Yes, it will stretch and can possibly ruin the tattoo when you get pregnant.
Price will vary from shop to shop. Some charge hourly. It shouldn’t be more than $200 I would think. But then again it really depends on the shop, details, size and…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Tattoo aftercare….? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 16 years, 10 months ago
It’s normal for the tattoo to become scaly and peel.You will loose some ink during the healing proccess
Keep bandage on until you are someplace where you can begin proper care, preferably no longer than ten hours.After removing the bandage: Wash the tattoo with cool water. Cool water is less likely to stimulate bleeding again. When…[Read more]
replied to the topic what tattoo colors should i get for this tattoo? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 16 years, 10 months ago
I always let my artist run with that part. They’re good at judging what colors will look best. If you want it to be more realistic looking you will want colors of an actual snake and lily. Maybe find a certain snake you like and use that desgin/colors from it, as well as a lily.
replied to the topic Tattoo Ointment? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 16 years, 10 months ago
A&D tends to pull out the color. It doesn’t do it drastically and A&D is the most common ointment to use right now.
Aquaphor doesn’t pull out the ink as much. People have allergic reactions to different products.
Truthfully, if you clean the tattoo every 4-7 hours with cool water and pat or wipe dry and apply any ointment or nonscented lotion your…[Read more] -
replied to the topic I just got a lower back tattoo 5 days ago. Its peeling and a think some in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 16 years, 11 months ago
You should be following your artists aftercare instructions.
This means washing the tattoo with cool water only and lightly dabbing or wipping off blood beeds and peeling skin.
Your tattoo will “bleed” some color and peel. This is completley normal. The outer layer has been penertrated by the needle thus the skin has died and is peeling. The…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Thinking of getting a tattoo @ Bay Street Tattoo N Body Piercing of Milwaukee…. in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 16 years, 11 months ago
Sorry I don’t know anything about them. I’m the the Madison area. How far are you willing to drive for a great artist?
My artist is in Sauk City, so that would be quite a drive for you but if you like what you see….. -
replied to the topic Is Polysporin ointment bad for tattoos? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 16 years, 11 months ago
Polysporin and A&D ointments pull color out of the tattoo. It’s best to use Aquaphor. It doesn’t pull out the ink.
LA Ink reccommends it:
My artist does as well: -
replied to the topic aftercare for a tattoo that didnt bleed…..? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 16 years, 11 months ago
Tattoos don’t typically bleed much or at all. Your artist should have given you an after care sheet.
Keep bandage on until you are someplace where you can begin proper care, preferably no longer than ten hours.
After removing the bandage: Wash the tattoo with cool water. Cool water is less likely to stimulate bleeding again. When washing the…[Read more]
replied to the topic Im Getting A Tattoo Of The Alpha Omega Sign On My Shoulder Blade,Im… in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 16 years, 11 months ago
Tattoo prices will differ for a number of reasons:
1. Size of the tattoo
2. Colors used
3. Details
4. If there is an hourly rate
5. Artist fees
6. Shop fees
7. State taxesIt’s best you go to a SHOP to figure out exact pricing.
DON’T under any circumstances get a tattoo underage. It’s not worth it! Your tattoo will be either from a shady person…[Read more]
replied to the topic Im Getting A Tattoo Of The Alpha Omega Sign On My Shoulder Blade,Im… in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 16 years, 11 months ago
Tattoo prices will differ for a number of reasons:
1. Size of the tattoo
2. Colors used
3. Details
4. If there is an hourly rate
5. Artist fees
6. Shop fees
7. State taxesIt’s best you go to a SHOP to figure out exact pricing.
DON’T under any circumstances get a tattoo underage. It’s not worth it! Your tattoo will be either from a shady person…[Read more]
replied to the topic I recenlty got another tattoo, well a coverup, it has already scabbed over and in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 16 years, 11 months ago
Just keep it moisturized. After the tattoo has healed use coccoa butter lotion to keep it moist.
replied to the topic A&D Ointment and Tattoo!? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 16 years, 12 months ago
Wash the tattoo every 4-7 hours and put a very thin layer of the ointment on. The ointment shouldn’t stain the shirt. If there is alot of ointment it will be sticky. A very very thin layer is all that’s needed. If if feels dry later put another thin layer on.
replied to the topic Can I get a new tattoo over my current one? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years ago
It’s very possible. Thing is, that it’s a bit harder to cover up black tattoos. you may have to choose darker colors. All depending on size, and how fadded it is. Check around with local artists that specialize on tattoo over-ups. As always check out the artists work before you go with them 🙂
replied to the topic Did Kat Von D make the tattoo world record?!? in the forum Miami Ink – La Ink 17 years ago
YES!! She made the record on the show last night!!!
400 “LA” tattoos with each number on them.She was getting really tired and her voice was horse from talking to people. They had a doc come in to make sure that she was fine while working. Once the doc said she was fine it was like a new burst of energy and finished the last one…[Read more]