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  • Just my 2 cents, my artist puts on plastic film and says keep it on for 4 hours, then take it off and give it a good wash, but do NOT put any cream on for 48hours, only wash it every couple of hours. The cream he recommends to me is bepanthene, it’s a nappy rash cream, and apply it 3 times a day with a very thin layer, what I keep forgetting to…[Read more]

  • Hi, I had 3 chinese symbols on my inner forearm, I was young when I got it and also didn’t really know what it ment, anyway I covered it up with a geisha, you can see it in my alb, sorry I don’t have a before picture but I think it turned out well.

  • replied to the topic Hi from Ireland in the forum Introduce Yourself 13 years, 10 months ago

    KittyHawk;81278 wrote:
    Welcome! I really like your man diamond, as you call it. Got any more planned?

    Thanks, Ya I have a good few more planned alright, I love the old skool style and want to eventually have 2 sleeves but unlike the japanesse style I don’t really want the all the tattoos to “flow”, I really rather like have single separate…[Read more]

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