replied to the topic Just want to hear ppls opinion… in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 11 months ago
@MaCheenIt 139115 wrote:
That is some wonderful trust, and you probably aren’t picky about what is put under your skin.
Wrong I am very picky about who tattoos me, That is why I do my research on the tattooists that I choose.
Take a peek at my tattoo pics none of them did I give the artist a drawing just the idea. -
replied to the topic Just want to hear ppls opinion… in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 11 months ago
@MaCheenIt 139115 wrote:
Guy did an OUTSTANDING intricate old english font. Only problem, first letter was LOWER CASE.
Not the artist’s fault! He accidentally hit the ‘caps lock” key. I do it all the time.
replied to the topic Just want to hear ppls opinion… in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years, 11 months ago
@MaCheenIt 139091 wrote:
DO NOT EVER just blindly let a tattoo artist “SUPRISE” you with his/her vision. If an artist says they have the “PERFECT” fix, or idea, ask them to first draw it out, and STUDY it.
I couldn’t disagree more. I have a list of artists that could have absolute free rein on what ever they what to do.