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@jerryatrophy 139128 wrote:

What are you babbling about again? .____.
Noone is saying stay blindfolded the entire time. The level of talent that were referring to is astounding.
You don’t pay someone $1500 for a day and then try to shoehorn them into your “folder of reference material”
If you don’t trust your artist , by all means tells them EXACTLY what you want and also tell them how to do their job while you’re at it.
I’m sure you will get exactly what you want. Sub par art from a sub par artist.

And now that this thread had been repeatedly jacked……

I get it. As far as the long time, well inked members, I DO get it, there is a level. Senior members have been in this for a long time, they have developed a level of understanding, those of you who are dedicated to the ink personally know ultra high level artists, fucking gurus, MASTERS of art and ink in skin. Tattoos that are undeniably true body art, and it is a whole different world from where this thread began. Do not think that I don’t get it.

A girl wanted peoples opinion on two small tattoos. Not the best tattoos ever done by ANY stretch of the imagination. Not really scratch either. I personally viewed them as poorly executed, they ARE obviously the work of someone who is amateur. I simply said so, and I also gave her the same advice I would give anyone who just wants a couple tattoos. The tattoos she has can be fixed, IF she chooses, and the obvious fact the tattoos provided, lends me the understanding she isn’t connected to any part of the higher level tattoo world.

The ONLY reason I advise her looking into, or working with an artist is: personally, what I have witnessed; talking about yokles who want a tattoo, for whatever reason, but aren’t “living the ink” they don’t know any artists, they don’t know anyone who does, they aren’t holding 3K for the real McCoy.
The other reason goes without saying, but I will say it anyway, HERE in O.C. there has been a FLOOD of parlors. The main drag of ANY O.C. city has an average of 4 shops within a half mile, I can reach the door of no less than 8 shops from my driveway in under 15 min.s and it is more or less the same across the states. you don’t have 4-5 T.V. reality programs about tattoos/artists if there is no interest.

The proliferation of shops has exploded. If you have a machine and a buzzbox, $500.00 a month for a hole in the wall you can open a tattoo parlor. They are pumping out tramp stamps, thug/gangsta’, TRIBAL TATS. It is an industry, and Jerryatrophy, Buttwheat, probably shake their heads along with dozens of those who have spent years becoming woven into the upper echelon of the ink. With GOOD REASON, the head shaking turns angry at times. A lot of crappy tattoos for ALL the wrong reasons. That perpetuates the tattoo stigma stereotype. It keeps tattoos from becoming respectable by society at large, tattoos are found on “badboys and tramps” being the stereotype, instantly generating a certain view about someone.

A great many tattoos are a passive aggressive lashing out, worst of all are those who get a tribal or tramp stamp without even having the desire to know where they originated and how or why. “Pamela Anderson has one!” Dear God. “Check the tribal dude, fuckin wicked or what?” PUHleeze.


I am not sure about the “feather/infinite 8s” darling, she obviously wants(ed) tattoos, she wound up with TATS. She fortunately didn’t wind up with horrible gang inspired scratch.

Jerryatrophy, Buttwheat, other seniors who derided my advice, all I saw by way of opinion was the thumbs down attitude. Fine, because tough love does work, and your opinion is brutally honest, commands respect, and leaves no question. But what did you attempt to provide in order that the girl doesn’t walk into that again? Instruct and inspire!
Where I come from, a person provides advice on how to minimalize future mistakes. NOBODY here has given TIPS for how to seek out the cream of the crop, and actually SCORE a $1500 session, or who your favorite artists are. Nobody pointed to any threads that instruct or inform. So now the girl is aware that she has two crappy tattoos, the feather being the better of the two.

Seniors remember the excitement they felt when they they actually got ink from their idolized artist for the first time. Am I wrong? Hell no, I am not. and the ink is, was and always will be fucking awesome. Was it THAT easy to get that session? Did you instinctively KNOW how to get the best bang for your buck? NO, you researched. Unless you were born into the home of a true inkpad, you had to do a bit of investigation. Not everybody knows how to pursue the ultimate level, some can only dream. You networked and developed a relationship with various artists. The art is stellar, your understanding goes through the roof as you chat with the master. The artist is ALWAYS happy to ink or chat with those who “KNOW” and it is a brotherhood(sisters too) that is only felt when you are there, and you know whether you are or are not.
Uh yes I get it.

I am certain THIS thread isn’t geared for top level, it is opinion asked/answered, perhaps that is why nobody was giving away the good stuff.

**INKPAD: A title of respect for someone who has more than two tattoos that cover large amounts of skin.
it is a local term, and is not used to insult.

I would LIKE to see the opinionated tattoos evolve into something better, if it elicits a “average” from seniors, it, at least holds some evidence of having risen above amateur status. If the young lady is so inclined, and a SENIOR OFFERED, (ahem) perhaps her world becomes connected to a REAL tattoo universe. (Note idea spiraling down with tail smoke, certain death imminent)

In my own humble way I simply hope to see that she NOT make her tattoos worse, should she look to improve them. I stand by my advice, and in hindsight was in NO WAY disrespecting any top artist, my sincere apologies to those who might have been offended. I was advising under the assumption she would not be heading out on a mission to “get the best by the best, money is not an object.” When THAT is not a viable option, a person SHOULD take the time to make sure they get something that won’t make Buttwheat groan. (with good reason)
I KNOW “if that is not a viable option why would you even bother?”
Because, (LOL) the multitude of midgrade tattoos gotten by uninformed people make the best look even better, allowing the artists who create them to charge a bit closer to what they are worth. Nobody can afford priceless.

I don’t like to ruffle feathers, I am not a stranger to the tattoo worlds.
My apologies for any misunderstandings, and since I have no interested party as to why I joined in the first place, I will go ahead and get off the forum.
But do keep your eyes open for an altogether different type of machine, perhaps we will meet YAH? I will MaCheen It…


@buttwheat 139102 wrote:

I couldn’t disagree more. I have a list of artists that could have absolute free rein on what ever they what to do.

@buttwheat 139102 wrote:

I couldn’t disagree more. I have a list of artists that could have absolute free rein on what ever they what to do.

That is some wonderful trust, and you probably aren’t picky about what is put under your skin.

I have a nephew who went to a highly recommended artist in San Diego while in the navy. Nephew said he wanted his surname across his back, shoulder to shoulder.
Nephew was trying to decide on the font. Artist said, “I know exactly what you should have.” the kid trusted him. Guy did an OUTSTANDING intricate old english font. Only problem, first letter was LOWER CASE.

Girl I went out with wanted a “cute” baby dragon peeking over her boob. she even explained that. Artist said he had an “idea” she would really love. Didn’t explain it, and the art itself was great, but she has a very sinister dragon with a claw semi wrapping the boob. She ended up taking him to court.

If you are an ink pad, then go in your shorts with a blindfold on BY ALL MEANS! (Shorts so that the tattoo can be put where it works best/Blindfold so you get the neat thrill of that first look of the finished ink.) I personally have seen bad results of artists that said trust me, and the two above were artists that were/are professionals. If YOU want PARTICULAR or SPECIFIC art, you find an artist that works with you, and you have them sketch the tattoo prior to inking it.

Finally, there is a butt-ton of bad ink out there. When you see some, ask the story behind it. ALL ink is done on trust, and all ink is judged. but when it MATTERS, you do a little research, and you set it up with the artist beforehand. That extra step is well worth it.

Not everyone WANTS a flaming skull peeling out of a face, while holding a sword, (also with flames) and the smoke billowing into devil inspired facial contortions, yadda, yadda. you could wind up with that. If you DON’T like it, what then? laser removal at three to five times the cost of the tattoo? To each their own. The tattoos that started this thread are the work of somebody in the tattoo world, and every artist started on the skin of a trusting individual.

If the opportunity becomes manifest, there is a situation where I would choose to have a tattoo done without hesitation, not even asking the artist what is planned. By a Maori, old school method. Ta Moko is as real as tattoo gets, and the old school method requires far more commitment. The artists? Fucking Da Vinci scribbles with crayon next to them. The machine? needle sharp bone in a stick, and the tattoo might take several weeks at a couple hours a day. You really have to want, and you really understand the signifigance, with Ta Moko.

TATS MAN… Tit for tat, tattle, tat-wise, PrIsOn TaT. tat dis’ an’ dat! Tattoo? Yeah. I hate when they say “TATTOO GUN” however that doesn’t mean shit, and it sure as hell won’t matter two days from now.

CAR: Ride, heap, jalopie, wheels, auto, hot rod, street machine, tuner, boat, etcetera etcetera etcetera

TATTOO: ink, skin art, skin pics, tat(s),

is there a rule? no. Just the reasonable assurance that folks get tired of the same old words, and as with tattoos, folks get creative. I may not like your statements or your opinions, but I sure as fuck will kill anyone who tries to take them from you, especially if it is the government.

Woman: chick, lady, piece of ass, nectar, slut, babe, cutie, beotch, mama, etc. etc. etc.


Actually, they both have POTENTIAL.
I would seek out an artist that has examples (tat not drawings) study the photos of his/her tat work, find art that resonates with you and then have your ink finished.

BOTH tattoos are not “HORRIBLE” they should be viewed as INCOMPLETE, or unfinished. The artist that inked them still has a ways to go, so seek a different artist(s) The tats are NOT scratch, they are simply without flair or proper execution.

The first one would be made really nice with some very proportional filigree, and complimenting “lady” art; flowers and birds, and some finish to the feather. lighter pastel colors, in a shaded effect, and remember, less is more. Avoid taking it above the lower fore arm, graduated blend to finer lines. Take your time with the artist to arrive at a really tasteful, personally pleasing and meaningful ink.

The second one can be finished into a mesmerizing Celtic weave very easily by an artist that specializes in such. It doesn’t have to be overly intricate, however, that could be the start of a very wild and desirable weave that follows along the arm. You can also organize the weave to frame meaningful moments in your life. If that is a symbol of something only you know and understand, fuck anyone’s opinion. If a symbol has a deep meaning, and it is inked true, opinion flies out the window.

“HEY! What the fuck is that tattoo supposed to be?”

“It is supposed to be personal, it represents how my life must adapt to survive in a vast and inhospitable universe.”

“It looks like shit”

“WOW! That is so meaningless, just like you!”

BOTH TATS will be spectacular with the RIGHT artists. You are not obligated to have both done by the same artist, and DO NOT EVER just blindly let a tattoo artist “SUPRISE” you with his/her vision. If an artist says they have the “PERFECT” fix, or idea, ask them to first draw it out, and STUDY it. If the artist asks a small charge for the drawing regardless of whether it will become ink, that IS fair, but agree on the price first.

YOUR SKIN, YOUR DESIRE! The best artists are ones who have an open mind and are receptive to what a person is asking for in a tattoo, and will work with you to create a work of art. Speak up and make it clear what you want! Tattoos can be as bold as Caesar, or light and wispy like smoke. My personal opinion is: With females, very artistic, feminine subjects, and placement for striking effect when she is unclothed. I.E. a pair of proportioned cattails along the spine, an unusual but beautiful vine and flower around the thigh. I saw a girl with a very lightly lined, masterfully colored tropical beach, “viewed from the ocean” on her back. It almost seemed she had been born with it. But it is the individual AND the tattoo, so if she can walk with a demon skull and pull it off, then hell yah!

Take your time, and have your tats finished. Be sure to show them off here YAH?


@ArniVidar 138935 wrote:

Damn, you must be on some hella fine drugs.

If thinking that way helps you to sleep, sweet dreams.



I have created a new type of tat machine.

Need an artist to give input and make it something truly awesome.

I don’t want free tattoos, I don’t want money, I don’t want hacks, or tweekers.

My goal is to have my machine added to the tattoo machine history and timeline.

If an artist who feels likewise would like to be involved, they will be equally included.
My machine isn’t shit without an artist. An artist needs a machine… synergy.

I am not looking for millions of dollars, I want to provide a top quality product that artists find unique, and a pleasure to use.
I would like to work with an artist who has a similar view.

I have two machines, prototypes, that work, and I will continue to refine them. The science behind the theory of my machines is
sound. They are built to create, not to produce skin-burger. They will only improve.

P.M. me if you are O.C. area, we can discuss the rest, YAH?

Patents do not illustrate this design. Patents are part of the program. That said, NEVER rush to patent! Patent hawks search patent designs everyday. Whether a patent is expired or newly awarded, it is sold by hawks to places like Russia and China. Thousands of cheap imitations are produced, and sold for literally PENNIES, plus S&H
If you order a product that is patent protected from overseas, because it is super cheap, the creator gets burned, and YOU do TOO.
(check out the Chinese J20 fighter jet. The most flagrant example of how Americans get burned by design thieves)



AHHHHhhhh yes. At the workplace. Now “she” is a twenty-something with a trick looking evil fairy looking adorably evil and cute. Little sinister fairy is seductive, provocative, and guys want to touch that tattoo as much as the rest of the lil’ vixen.
The artist outdid himself and he poked ink in a way that damn near brings that tat to life.

The fairy holds a wicked blade that somehow makes the possibility of being cut acceptable! a tattoo that wins. in fact, it wins her a job by the filthy minded chester holding the interview. He tells her that he also has a tattoo. WHAT a great day.

That was last week. Now, Chester, who closed his mind to provide room for his assumtions (with regards to the fact that people are individuals) is like a bad odor that won’t dissipate. Fairy tat girl is in hell because CHESTER operates on his assumption that girls who have tats are… sluts, and will include even him if he makes the right offer. Chester bugs the poor girl constantly.

She kinda needs this job, and turns him down each time, politely, in a sweet way that chester interprets as some kind of foreplay. She is scared enough that she mentions it to her very dear, insanely serious, gorilla. I MEAN BOYFRIEND. Sorry.

Chester spent two months in a hospital, and according to him, has trouble peeing. His kidneys are still pulpy from his ultimate fighter MMA style ass beating. (sidebar: when you see “her” boyfriend and he “explains” that he IS going to hurt you in 4 words or less, do not threaten him, RUN! duh…)
She is out of a job, and boyfriend, (for a year anyway)

SOMETIMES they DON’T mind tattoos. One thing is certain, Chester tried to tell the court how the tattoo was used to “tease” him, and also that the “tease” became a ROBBERY when he went to meet the girl AT HER invitation, after work.
Court found Chester’s version to be bullshit. Boyfriend was told by court, “…while the feelings are understood, the action taken is where we find fault…” and instead of robbery and attempted murder, HAH! simple assault, one year.

discrimination has many facets… please ladies, do be careful. ^^ Tat girl and boyfriend ARE friends of mine^^


Knighthawk, it would appear you have an excellent reason for soggy nutted disdain, I am imagining your reply as a text tattoo. While the content speaks volumes beyond the average commentary, the depth makes the oceans seem shallow. Text is how it appeals to the individual, if you are tatting up your skin with inane ART or TEXT just to get noticed, that would be sad.

TexT! The funniest text I have seen is original, I looked over at this guy at the beach, and he had tiny words all over. He was in a tank top with shorts renting bikes with his missus. WTF? so I move up to him and look closer, His wife starts up, “Are you reading his tattoos? HONEY, He wants to read…”
His left arm had like NOTES some scribbled, various fonts etc and they were something like “LEFT ARM: COST UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME-CONDITION AVERAGE.”
Then a scribble,”Right arm is better for for writing, sports, and masturbating.
another was “Almost lost with leg purchasing car and house.
and like 30 “lefty” jokes/quotes
His wife pointed out her favorite, some shit about winning HER in a poker game, so he knows there was cheating going on and what a gyp, orally she couldn’t blow bubbles if she were drowning, something about how she drives, and this is all over him. sayings, reminders jokes insults LABLES “NECK” “SHOULDER” etc. The notes looked mostly newer. Maybe, I DUNNO! Older guy, with his yappy wacky old poker winnings.
He never said a word. but the fact that he was his own notebook was priceless.


no portfolio. Never really thought that making machines would be anything more than a fun thing to do. Then I got talking with this artist about it. Went 6 levels in under an hour. EveryTHING he said was thought provoking, highly informative, or both. I made a coil machine to see what he might say. He liked it, but told me to investigate 8-10s or 12s, it’s all about the coils. Wound a few, made a couple more machines, then made a rotary to see what he thought.

Gone. He moved on so I went online. studied and learned, spoke with other artists, then I had a realization, I now have two machines, there is nothing like them on the books. They will be though. Freaking science and mechanics and I continue to refine. I am now going to concentrate on it, and make it dreamy and wild. Check my post in discussions.

MaCheenIt OUT!

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