replied to the topic genital tattooing in the forum Tattoos on Boobs and Bits 17 years, 2 months ago
the main concern with a scrotal tattoo is that the skin of obviously different. its made almost entirely of sponigiousom tissue. If the artist isn’t very experianced then you have a vrey high chance of the skin obsorbing the pigment like a sponge. So if you got a star it would look like a circle almost. Make sur to researcg your arts very well.
replied to the topic if i got a tattoo here, would it hurt really badly? (picture included)? in the forum Inked Skin 17 years, 2 months ago
yes, the ear hurts. but thats right, i will only take about ten minutes at the longest. The only consern would be swelling. Most shops will not tattoo the ear bcause if there is massive swelling then the two layers of cartalige can separte leavingit permanintly swollen, this is also known as “Coliflower ear”. I would recommend against it because…[Read more]
replied to the topic Need some help with my cover up tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 17 years, 2 months ago
here is another option