replied to the topic Help ! Asap ! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago
I agree with Knighthawk, although his way of saying it was definitely quite blunt. God knows what is in your heart, and saying you put your son above all else could easily be interpreted many ways other than “above all else, even God”. In your relationship with God, what is in YOUR heart and what YOU know is the only thing that matters, not…[Read more]
replied to the topic Think this idea will work/look good? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago
Hell yeah, another Jack man. I usually buy the 2 liter bottles, around 40 dollars where I live. Good stuff…unfortunately it takes about 2 liters of it to actually get me drunk. Sometimes I hate having alcoholic genetics.
replied to the topic hi just wanna ask if this good in colored or black and shaded in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years ago
I definitely like the idea of it being all black and gray, but leave the hand red. It would really pop that way. Nice taste in music, by the way.
replied to the topic Ink fading question in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years ago
That’s what I was thinking. I’m just really paranoid about messing it up. I’m still new to tattoos, really, so I’m just scared of any little thing that will mess it up. I even get paranoid about laying on it the wrong way in bed, etc. I can’t tell if I’m just too paranoid or if my concerns are valid.
replied to the topic Ink fading question in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years ago
No, the picture quality just makes it look terrible. It’s actually not a bad looking tattoo, just a bad camera. lol.