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I got my first tattoo on my lower back. it took 2 hours and I can honestly say it was almost pain free. My next tattoo i got on the inside of my wrist. This took half an hour and was quite painful. It wasnt unbearable but I definitely felt it a lot more than my back tattoo. Go to someone who has done alot of tattoos in that area. My tattooist absolutely ruined mine and i got quite bad blow out, but (as with all tattoo’s) if you get it done by a good artist it will be fine. good luck with the tattoo,,,,,,,,


I got one right at the top of my wrist so it was as close to my hand as i could get it and yeah it hurt a bit more than my back tat but its not too bad. You can get the tattoo done on top of the part with lots of veins (as i did) and you should be fine.

Good luck with the first tat. I hope you end up with exactly what you wanted 😀


Keeping a tat hidden for 2 years must be quite a feat (excuse the pun lol)

I know a lot of people who got drunken tats and luckily theres was not as obscure as that…but they all regretted them almost immediately. Its quite scary how many tattooists dont mind tattooing a drunk person. While your friend was at fault for getting a tat like that…the tattooist was as equaly to blame.

I guess thats a lesson learnt the hard way 🙂


Oh my, now thats a bit different. I suppose it would seem even worse if someone saw it and thought they had just got ‘carwash’ written randomly on them. Im sure someone will be able to do a cover over it and it would look ok…..If they chose to do so.

How has your friend who was just being a sheep? Has he got used to the tat yet?


I love the way you think 🙂

I have often though about getting my old 2 covered up. Not because i dont like them…just because i wanted to make them look better and stand out more. After thinking about it for a long time i decided i couldnt do it. It would feel like im wiping a bit of my past away. It all depends on personal choice and you cant live your life thinking “how will this affect me in 10 years’. If you did that…you would never get far


not sure if your talking to me…but i AM in new zealand lol. In the middle of my star i got pink stars that get smaller as they go towards the middle. On the top the pink ink has got blow out so bad its blurred into the outline and doesnt look like its there anymore. At first i wasnt too worried but now im getting quite upset. I chose this tattoo specifically because it was small and delicate looking. Now i have to get it fixed so its going to end up a lot bigger than what i wanted which kind of defeats the purpose of it.

I have been really tempted to email the guy who did it and demand my money back. As it is i am going to be spending at least another hundred on it and the guy charged me 80 to get the tiny star in the first place.

Should i email him? I cant go into his studio as they kinda scare me. Im sure they are all on drugs (my friend got a tat at the same time as me and i didnt realise he was sooo stoned until it was over)


Mines definitely worse than a few days ago but once its healed and settled ill take another look and see what im left with. All the pink ink in the middle has started to blurr now and in some parts its not forming a point at the tip of the stars.

Im really hoping it doesnt happen with the touch up…its made me quite anxious now 😛


I agree with that. What i meant by changing is sometimes people get things (like names etc) tattoo’d on them and then a few years down the track they may not still be in touch/love with that person but i guess thats a risk we all take when getting somehting done. I have two tattoos that were done by a friend (really crap job from when i was 13) and everytime i look at them i remember back to the day when i got them. i remember what was going through my head and i love them. People laugh at me because they arent ‘flash’ tattoos….but i dont care one tiny bit. My ink marks some very important times in my life and even though my old tatts are somewhat irrelevant i dont care. 😎


wow, i did not know that! I know the wrist isnt prone to calluses but how easy is it to go too deep in that area? Mine was only done 6 days ago so it hasnt healed (or peeled) yet….will my blow out keep expanding or do you think it will just stay how it is? Sorry for all the questions…I hadnt even heard of tattoo’s being able to get blown out until very recently


Mine felt like a cat scratching my back constantly for 2 hours lol, but i would say it hurt….it was more annoying than anything. i went big for my first tattoo…..and 4 years later i havent regretted it for a single second. If it means something thats isnt going to change….then how can you hate that??:)


if you want a really awesome maori tattoo then i would suggest you go to This is moniques euro tattoo’s and they are an absolutely amazing studio. Im sure she can design some for you to look at. You can also just google maroi designs but you have to be careful you dont use any that other people have as maori tattoo’s are generally chosen by people with some kind of Maori heritage and they all have meaning to certain tribes/families and its not culterally sensitive to use someone elses family designs.

Hope this helps



wow thats really unlucky. im sorry to hear you have had so many blown out tatts. My frst one was perfect and i had never heard of ink ‘bleeding’ until a few days ago when a heavily tattood friend of mine saw what the tattooist had done to me. I was told that this tattoo parlour was very good and thats why i chose them.

he asked me what i want the star to look like and so i drew it on my wrist and said ‘ i want it something like that’…he just tattood over what i had drawn even though i asked him to re-draw it. I know it sounds like i should of stopped him but he assured me he was going to free hand it but change what i drew. I hate needles (ironic isnt it) and so i had my eyes closed for most of it so i could stay as calm as possible and didnt see very much of what he was doing.

My friends tattoo didnt bleed out the lines and she is breast feeding at the moment. maybe its the location???


I had the same thing happen to me 5 days ago. i went to get my second tattoo. i got my first one when i was 16 and love it. it still looks like new in fact. So i went to get a little star on the inside of my wrist. i noticed that while the tat was being done it was bleeding heaps. The cloth he was using to wipe away the ink was almost soaking in blood. The guy seemed really nice and calm and so i thought it might just be the place of the tat. It bled for another hour after it was finished. now im stuck with a star thats got a horrible blow out , the lines are crooked and the whole tattoo is lop sided.

Im now having to spend twice as much getting it touched up once its healed and having to enlarge and add to a tattoo that i chose because it was small and simple.

The only thing i can suggest is going to get it touched up by someone a lot better and hopefully your tattoo will still look good.

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