replied to the topic crap tat? your opinions? in the forum Introduce Yourself 9 years, 11 months ago
I think I would say it’s a decent tattoo of a really bad design choice. The artist should have pointed that out.
replied to the topic "Brownish" tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 11 months ago
It’s blood mixed with the black in and normal. It will go away. Black always looks different from when it’s fresh and through the various stages of healing.
replied to the topic Girlfriends New Tat – No Good IMO… in the forum Inked Skin 10 years ago
@MarshMellow 143264 wrote:
I understand…
she want’s another one, from the same person, but its more “detailed” and I’m just afraid its going to turn out worse than this…
and as you said Tattoos are permanent.The person f’ed up on the Wing above the butterfly head… but like you said its on her, so she has to deal with it… but looking at…
replied to the topic Suggestions for changing tattoo please in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years ago
Turn the ropes into ladders and put some fruit on the tree. Excuse my lack of effort, it took 30 seconds. I’m sure a good artist can make it look natural