replied to the topic "Brownish" tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 10 months ago
@MarvelAvengers 143650 wrote:
It’s blood mixed with the black in and normal. It will go away. Black always looks different from when it’s fresh and through the various stages of healing.
Any time frame? Cause it’s now almost 2 weeks since i was tattooed, and the shading is still brown/reddish, and it’s still a bit itchy even though all the scabs…[Read more]
replied to the topic crap tat? your opinions? in the forum Introduce Yourself 9 years, 11 months ago
@MarvelAvengers 143651 wrote:
I think I would say it’s a decent tattoo of a really bad design choice. The artist should have pointed that out.
Both the design and the actual tattoo are really bad, especially the tattoo!
replied to the topic Girlfriends New Tat – No Good IMO… in the forum Inked Skin 10 years ago
@MarvelAvengers 143265 wrote:
I cant tell if its left over stencil that is leaving artifacts around the boarders or if the lines are blown out. How fresh is the tattoo in the picture?
Photo was taken right after it was done…