replied to the topic Dragon Tattoo after a week, some advice as concerned in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 7 months ago
I was thinking of maybe getting a fire breathing design coming out of the mouth and then down. But would defo have to get this drawn up first as like I said i still love my tattoo but a little dissapointed in the blown out parts
replied to the topic Dragon Tattoo after a week, some advice as concerned in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 7 months ago
@Afink87 144813 wrote:
I’m going against popular opinion, I wouldn’t be too concerned with the minor imperfections, I have had tattoos heal like that. It looks like he had a very heavy hand, it hurt pretty good huh? I wouldn’t
be embarrassed or ashamed with that tattoo but I wouldn’t go back to him either.Im not concerned nore embarrassed about…[Read more]
replied to the topic Dragon Tattoo after a week, some advice as concerned in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 8 months ago
Thought I would update with a picture, its been over 3 weeks and all the scabbing has come off, you can see that there is some blown out ink especially on the left side of the dragon.
Not sure what they can do but I will go and see them after my hols next week
replied to the topic Dragon Tattoo after a week, some advice as concerned in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 8 months ago
@Call_me_Lola 144496 wrote:
A healed tattoo is never quite as bright as a fresh one because a new layer of skin grows over it, but should still be the same colour. You are going to have to go back for a touch up to fix where the colour ‘fell out’. In general touch ups are free (except hands/feet/face). You are also probably going to have to…
replied to the topic Dragon Tattoo after a week, some advice as concerned in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 8 months ago
As from today I wont be putting any cream on my tattoo, quite a few people say you need to but a few say they never did.
Where the scabbing has come off the ink is a lot paler than when it was done, suppose to be blood red in most parts and looks more like a pinkish, you can see in the image:
Will the colours become more vibrant in time or is…[Read more]
replied to the topic Dragon Tattoo after a week, some advice as concerned in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 8 months ago
@turbosatan 144475 wrote:
i would go back to them now. voice your concerns straight away so they know its coming when its healed up.
bepanthen etc are good to assist healing but you shoudl apply a very thin layer only. just enough to be absorbed only.
If there is any chance/indication of it getting infected etc then visit a doc and your artist…
replied to the topic Dragon Tattoo after a week, some advice as concerned in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 8 months ago
I have just read up about blow out and majority say the tattooist has gone to deep causing it to blow out.
What do you think I should do, wait until it has healed then go back to them?
replied to the topic Dragon Tattoo after a week, some advice as concerned in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 8 months ago
Well that is not good as my tattoist said apply bepanthlen small amounts still 4-5 times day still which I have been, when you say blown out is that the colour coming beyond the outline? Really concerned now, will it not get to what it looked like after it was done?
So should I stop putting cream on it then?