replied to the topic name or no name? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years, 10 months ago
I’d say to go with whatever you see fit. A memorial tattoo shouldn’t have to be all fancy and have the whole shebang with flowers or ribbons or anything.
I just got one today and all it is are my sister’s initials (I just uploaded the pictures into an album). Rather than including the dates, I just wanted something simple and small because of the…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Pacific northwest newbie in the forum Introduce Yourself 15 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for the nice replies everyone! I’ll reply to everyone who has posted so far in this post.
Joker1: Like Outlaw said, I am 19 years old.
Sherav: Ohh, I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been through the same sort of situation. Yeah, there are some hard days (especially after I turned 18 because it meant that I officially had begun to outlive…[Read more]