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I’m there now, thanks for the advice and thanks in advance for any help. I feel like I kid caught doing something bad, hehe…


Lol, nice observation. No, I would love to be a tattoo artist, I’m just being pushed WAY too fast, there’s not much in the way of instruction where I’m from and since the artists don’t have to be certified, anyone can tattoo around here. My problem is that I don’t want to just do ok work, I’m kind of a perfectionist when I do things and this is no different for me. So yea, I’m being pushed, not in the wrong direction, just faster than I feel is necessary or appropriate.


Thanks for your time and honesty. Sorry if I broke any rules.


Thank you, I really appreciate the help.


I hear you on the just getting started… I’ve looked at bookstores for books on tattooing but only found photography type books. DVD wise I have found a few, but nothing I can afford right now, I’m looking for advise on websites to visit. Don’t get me wrong, as soon as I have the money I’m going to dedicate myself to some serious training but I’m looking for anything helpful at the moment. Best needles to use for outlining, shading, needle depth, keeping swelling down..

Good luck, hopefully we can find some info on here!

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