replied to the topic Hi there from Minnesota. in the forum Introduce Yourself 16 years ago
Also, my wife and I have been discussing the tattoo for my son…I’m starting to like the idea of letters on blocks…maybe stacked in the shape of an L.
V E Rfor a pattern with a monkey sitting in the L or doing something there (hanging or juggling something else…not sure yet). It’s a start for an idea.
I originally was liking the…[Read more]
replied to the topic Hi there from Minnesota. in the forum Introduce Yourself 16 years ago
My wife got her first tattoo today (probably her only from the way she talked about the pain…). I personally like the pain, but she doesn’t…she said she’d rather have another child. That’s fine with me too.
Here’s what she got:
Our daughter and son’s names…she found the font online (child’s handwriting) and she liked it a lot, so she…[Read more]
replied to the topic Hi there from Minnesota. in the forum Introduce Yourself 16 years ago
I had my tattoo done by “Alien” (Steve Butterfield) of Alien and Co. He’s actually based out of Sioux Falls, SD now, but he used to work in MN years ago. My sister-in-law and her family are very good friends with him so they host tattoo parties at their house with him 2-3 times a year. I had mine done that way last October.
My wife will be…[Read more]
replied to the topic Hi there from Minnesota. in the forum Introduce Yourself 16 years ago
Thanks for the comments and sympathy.
I really appreciate the info and the ideas. I now have a few new ideas for my son and for my family members. Thanks for “opening my eyes/mind” to the new ideas. I will have to work on a few things and talk to some artists I know locally for some sketches.
Again, thank you.