Both of my tattoos I have so far are at-home jobs, at my home, actually. The artist is my brother-in-law, who has professional equipment and has tattood quite a few people. He doesn’t have access to a clave, so all of his needles are disposed of after use, as are his tips and gloves (obviously). Currently he only tattoos family members and close friends. Before he did my arm, it was washed, and then shaved, then washed again with green soap before the tattooing began. I’d have to say the only potentially non-sanitary part of the process was the surface I was laying my arm on was covered with paper towels, and the other session was a cloth placemat on a TV tray he used specifically to tattoo my arm. Each session (3 total) was concluded with thorough washing with green soap and a coating of ointment.
Maybe not every precaution was taken, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. 😉