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It’s either or. If you know what artist is going to be their that you want work from your best bet is to give him/her a call and see if they need someone for the day. I find that when I go quiet a bit of artist are their looking for random people to work on unless they are entering a piece into one of the many contests then they usually have someone they know or are currently working on.
I’ve done my knuckles and My shop asked me a slew of questions: what tattoo’s do I have now, Locations, Do I have a career, how long have I been their etc etc. Something worth thinking over I wanted them when I was 16 and waited til now(21) to go ahead and do it. This was after talking to the company I work for and okaying it with the owners and my boss. Never be so quick to rush into hands, Neck or facial tattoos.
Samurai and a possible geisha would be pretty cool and no that’s not weird to feel that way at all 😀
I’m pretty sure that is way to early and think that might be overworking that area. I could be wrong but I’m sure someone will come along and clear this up for you. I believe its something like 6 weeks(depending) before its fully healed on top and below. Any artist should do it for free as long as you took proper care of it.
People need to stop criticizing and answer her question if your just going to come in and say the same thing others are saying whats the point in commenting. None of you know her and your not going to influence the final decision she makes. If you want to talk about tattoos you hate go start another thread and rant until your brain explodes.
small world it is I’m in Hamilton
well, hope you enjoy the forum
Seeing as I have both my arms done I found both areas to be slightly on the more painful side then in the middle of the forearm. I found that when I had the outline done at the beginning of my session wasn’t terrible but when he came back to color a few hours later I was tender and it was a little more painful. Everyones pain threshold is different so all I can say is you’ll get through it.
Welcome to the Forum
I’m sure you’ll enjoy it here, there are a lot of people with all kinds of knowledge on the subject.
Could you possibly be getting a Mario tattoo of some kind?
Enjoy the forum, looking forward to seeing some of your ink.
Where in Canada you from? I live in Ontario
To hard to tell I’ve seen shops range from $125 – $300 an hour and I’ve also seen shops that are $400 minimum I mean depending on what your paying your for sure looking at more then $1000 unless you go to an amateur. When it comes to price the best thing you can do is shop around.
Try to stay away from the crap shops you want a nice big piece your going to pay top $$$
Why don’t you take some time to talk to people their instead of asking people who aren’t from Florida that would be the best route to take. The only shop I know is Ocala Tattoos but there portfolios don’t seem to have what you described as what you like.
Unless your socially awkward talk to others you see that are inked.
Maybe you shouldn’t be tattooing if you don’t know about the healing process and what socks and shoes would do to the tattoo. Like Butterfly said until it heals.
Just have a talk with some Pro artists and they should easily be able to blend that into a sleeve. Your choices on what you want get limited when working around something or getting a cover-up, they shouldn’t be too limited though.
Where about’s do you live?
i am going through the same experience as you Ross. i am currently in my career and they don’t care if I have my hands done or not. I look up hand tattoos every night the only thing is I have zero support from family and friends(heavily tattooed themselves). Ill eventually dive in and get them done soon enough.