Morwin Nerdbane
replied to the topic Rebel Flag Tattoo? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
There’s no reason that girls have to have girly tattoos. I think girls the more masculine tattoos can look pretty sweet. Chicks with skulls look ace.
If youre worried you could Amway incorporate a more feminine background or some filigree or something. The contrast could look cool.
replied to the topic Autograph tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
The thing with the maybe moving it was it would have only been by about half an inch tops and as you can see from the pic it doesn’t really interfere with the other tattoo too much. I think I’m just too anal and this is one of those tattoos where the imperfections make it special.
I’m happy I kept it where it was originally done but I get what…[Read more]
replied to the topic Autograph tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
Thanks man 🙂 I’ve compared the tattoo to the pics I took of the pen version and it’s about as identical as you can get which is exactly what I wanted.
Love your avatar btw.
replied to the topic Autograph tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
I find that “lol” softens the blow while commenting on peoples nonsensical grammatical choices.
An autograph is a symbol of a memory. When you meet someone you look up to you often have an ethereal blur muddle your thought, especially if you’ve spent the afternoon waiting to meet them in the pub. It’s a concrete reminder of an awesome event.…[Read more]
replied to the topic Tattoo Cover Up? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
I agree with bluey. Laser would lighten it up and allow you more options with the cover up so you don’t end up getting lumped with something just cos it fits.
Laser doesn’t have to mean complete removal. It can just lighten the image a bit 🙂
replied to the topic Autograph tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
Well I stuck the pics on the post above.
Lol what is it with people and quotation marks. “Opinions” “chap” whats going on here people?!?! lol.
I’ve been getting tattoos for a long time now so I don’t mind and/or care that autographs are not to everyones taste. My logic for getting it was that it was a once in a life time moment with a guy that…[Read more]
replied to the topic Autograph tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
I’ve never been star struck either until Wednesday. My mum used to work in TV so I was brought up around celebrity which never phased me until I met Mick and I went all prepubescent Bieber fan lol.
Like I say; it’s a poor tattoo by normal tattoo standards but I adore it. Best day of my life so far and fav tattoo to date.
If they’re huge again…[Read more]
replied to the topic Autograph tattoo in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
I don’t mind. I love my new tattoo but I actually asked about what you’d do if it was your hero you met not if you thought I was cool or not.
I don’t see why him being a wrestler has anything to do with anything, same for my age. I like who and what I like. He’s been a massive part of my life and has made a huge impact on me as far as my writing,…[Read more]
replied to the topic Valerie ,London-Tattoo advice in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
You mean Valerie Vargas? If so my fella has a half sleeve by her when she was working in Sheffield….exceptional. Her fella Stu Robson did my back 😀 *smug* Val is an artist so would probably be happy to design you something if you take her a concept. Take the quotes and reference image and I’m sure she’d cook you something up. I’m not sure on…[Read more]
replied to the topic Phoenix tattoo sleeve in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
Really nice man. As has been said, the colours are awesome.
I dig the towel and the belly. Who wants a skinny dude in a white towel?! Nobody!
replied to the topic Feminine Only Tattoos in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
Gotta say I agree with gennyohhh; the contrast of tats and girlieness is awesome.
Chicks with tattoos are hot no matter what they get (within reason lol)
replied to the topic Anyone got any timeless tattoos? in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
Cledus985;108589 wrote:
Thats kind of what I was trying to imply Morwin, a little more info would be helpful.Lol sorry man, didn’t mean to trad on your toes 🙂
I guess anything clocky, clocks without numbers, clocks with numbers but no hands, a sun dial with no shaddow, an hour glass.
If you’re into the rose idea, an hourglass with rose…[Read more]
replied to the topic Biomech Sleeve startup in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
I didn’t mean any harm dude and I echo mrchen; as long as you believe in your artists ability that’s all that matters.
The line work on my half sleeve isn’t exceptional my any means but it’s so heavily coloured that you don’t even notice and it looks awesome (or I think so at least) as a whole.
Keep us updated as the work continues. It’d be cool…[Read more]
replied to the topic Feminine Only Tattoos in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
I’d say I’m a pretty girly girl.
I always have my nails painted, if there’s a chip they get redone. I always have my hair done (mostly cos it’s short and looks crap if I don’t) I’m a 50:50 dresser ie. I have lots of pretty skirts/dresses but I also feel perfectly comfortable out in my jeans. I’m also fairly heavily tattooed.
I have a cherry…[Read more]
replied to the topic 'Barbie' tattoos in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
I’ve not noticed it either.
I’m a chick but I’d probably judge a guy for having a shit pre-pube tattoo.
I think the fad at the moment is more cutesy tattoos than just barbie. Anything childish seems to be in; Care bears, my little pony, barbie, Disney princesses, Strawberry Shortcake, cupcakes, sweets …..that kinda thing.
I think because…[Read more]
replied to the topic My first tattoo looking to add to the tattoo in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
Not the best quality pic but from what I can make out it’s pretty sweet. I love Indian/Thai style pieces.
Were you wanting to stay black and grey or branch out into the world of colour?
replied to the topic Biomech Sleeve startup in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
I’ve never heard of ghost lines. Sorry man. I sort of get that on a black and grey biomech piece there’s a lot of shading to be done so they might not be as noticable but they look pretty solid (not good solid) to be ghost anything.
Lets hope his shading is better than his outlines and it disguises them cos those lines ain’t good mate.…[Read more]
replied to the topic Anyone got any timeless tattoos? in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
I’m confused :confused:
Timeless like won’t ever go out of style? Or timeless like an image that could literally be interpreted as ‘without time’?
replied to the topic Why do tattoos need to have meaning?? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
Its like divorce. Kids get married young without thinking it through cos divorce is so easy. Same with laser removal, tattoos aren’t seen as permanent anymore.
I think you either have the tattoo….i’ll call it a gene. I love my impulse tats as much as my well thought extensively researched pieces even my shit tribal on my hips. They are who I am…[Read more]
replied to the topic Why do tattoos need to have meaning?? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
Amok;108032 wrote:
In 20 years when asked why I got my tattoos, I don’t want the answer to be “cos I thought it was cool….”why not? I’ve only just had my outer half sleeve done, it took me 2-3 years to settle on a theme but I settled on it because I think its pretty/cool but I also think its timeless.
You cant suggest that a few years of…[Read more]
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