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S.Neill;46940 wrote:
Ahhhh…stepped on a raw nerve there did we?

You can get an apprenticeship on a “scholorship” also. Paying is only one way to go, working for free is the other.
Last apprentice I knew was required to wear a shirt that had “SHOP BITCH” Across the front and back of it. The owner purchased 10 shirts for him and he had to wear one every day for a year before he was allowed to wear anything else.
Oh yeah, and one more thing. You might have gotten in on a scholorship and you might not have to pay much…but someone does. The school doesn’t teach for free.

Yes, that’s a raw nerve. I get alot of people who assume since I go to an art school that I’m rich and uppity and not willing to put in several days hard work. My mum manages apartments in Clifton. Her weeks average at 70-80 hours of college bullshit. I work with her every summer and every spare day that she needs help that I’m free. Having it assumed that I won’t work hard to get to a dream… It runs right through me.

I’ll start looking for a “scholarship” situation near me.

And that shirt would’ve been a laugh for me. I wear similar shirts for the hell of it. And because I find them funny. Call me crazy.

My scholarship is mostly paid by FAFSA so the governments paying. And the other half is being paid by a private donor who liked the portfolio I submitted.

S.Neill;46938 wrote:
Back to the idea of apprenticing. i was thinking about this earlier. This thread started with someone saying they were an Art Student.

Did they teach that for free? I wonder…do they pay art students minimum wage?


Seems to me everywhere I’ve looked you have to pay some serious money to major in Art. In some cases over $20,000.00.

Isn’t it interesting that someone will go to college, pay out some serious cash and study for no pay for four years to get a degree they may or may not ever be able to use, but expect to be handed the skills to be a tattooist for free…and even get paid for it?



I made it into my art college on a fucking scholarship. I only have to pay $2000 of the tuition for the whole year so back off already.
I never said I wanted a paid apprenticeship. I said I was looking for someone to teach me. And I am. I might not have the money now, I might not have the skills, but someday I will. Who knows what I could become?

And BY THE WAY: I plan on actually using my fucking degree. Huh. Fancy that.

KnightHawk;46706 wrote:
While we’re on advice, do not get any of the tattoos in your album marked “Tattoos I’ll probably get”. Only vapid skank co-eds get kanji or that cliché celtic knot.

Your tattoos are your bona fides–they show what you, as a prospective tattoo artist, are interested in, who you are, and what you’re hoping to accomplish. Having kanji and fucking flash work shows you put no thought whatsoever into your ink, that you don’t care, and that it’s a status symbol rather than a passion for you.

What you need to do is sit your ass down, find out what you’re passionate about, and base your tattoos around that. Me for instance–I’ve got a life long obsession with skulls, zombies, and a life philosophy based around the idea of Metallica (if not the band itself). Most of my tattoos reflect that. Got a zombie squid, a skull gauntlet, and am looking to get a steam-punk inspired cyborg squid, and am going to sleeve my left arm out with a zombie T-Rex.

They’re not serious subject matters…but they show the kind of art I appreciate, and it’s reflected in the tattoos I draw.

Love. Peace. Metallica.

When you assume things it makes an ass of u and me. I have kanji already. I not vapid. I’m not skanky. The kanji I’m getting represent my life philosophy. It takes COURAGE to have a DREAM which will bring you JOY but there is no happiness without PAIN, and you need STRENGTH to survive. So, no offense, BITE ME.

And that celtic knot, overused though it is, represents one of my passions. Your body must be connected to your mind and soul. Three parts. A trinity knot. Also represents my religion. Maid, Mother and Crone. The triple mother goddess, so again, no offense: SHOVE OFF.

My tattoos will all have a deeper meaning integral to WHO I AM. Or they will represent something I find beautiful in some way. So no offense, but I will choose my tattoos, not you, since its my body they are decorating.



Good advice. And yes, day 1 I had mass homework in all classes. Ick. But neccessary. And yes, I am serious. Yall might be right though, I might want to build more on my portfolio. Grr… All things worth the time must be waited on. Unfortunately. Damn lack of instant gratification!!! >.< LMAO

Thanks for it all. ^_^

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