Forum Replies Created
quick question, how do i go about withdrawing my membership?
Nastee: it’s your tattoo. No one has to like it but you. It may be that the source drawing is by some very famous person and it spoke to you, but just because it’s a nice piece of art that you like doesn’t mean that it will traslate into a great tattoo. The line work in the art is just fine as art, but from an outsiders viewpoint it looks suspect as a tattoo. That was a difficult piece to try and make a nice tattoo out of. But at the end of the day, the only person that has to like it is you. If you’re happy with it, go with that.
And even though some of these messages have gotten a little personal and “nastee” (sorry, had to do it), these folks are trying to give you honest feedback and be helpful to you, even though it may be hard to see because you feel you have to defend your ink. A good artist probably would have had a discussion with you before hand about how that was going to turn out and tried to make suggestions to make it more pleasing to the eye given the medium of tattooing. Maybe they did do that and you didn’t listen, who knows. But there are a lot of bad tattoos out there, and this group gets frustrated seeing them over and over again. Your buddies at the bowling alley won’t. Just know your audience and sort of expect to be given brutal honesty here.
Maybe if you told us why that piece was important to you, and why you felt it would be good for you, it might help us understand your motivation?
im not trying to defend my ink, im trying to understand why people don’t know how to approach a situation properly. face to face non these mf’s would have the balls to say anything. this the first time i been on a forum, and it’s filled with a bunch of insecure princesses. u wanna judge the quality thats ok, i understand its not really good. i feel i should explain im not a fan of hi def shop tattoos. what catches my attention is old, sorta faded tats u see on people who got them when tats werent so trendy. and as for the dog, its great piece of work as far as the tattoos goes, but the content, to me its just a pic of a f’n dog. but thats ok, i dont judge what people decide to draw on their skin. when u come and insult the original art work when u got nothin to show for, u just a c*nt. the graffiti tat posted was great by the way. way to colourful for my taste..and if n e one’s interested the piece symbolises life of hard ship, and the inability to express it. always smiling on the outside, but really hurting on the all the peeps who’s takin’ shots, learn some social skill. to the rest, thx for being civil.
u guys a buncha snobs, and udder isnt a spelling error, its a completely different word stupid. u peeps need to get a life. a simple comment like “yea its cool” or “no, not feelin it” usually does the trick. but to sit aound and insult peoples art work (not quality of my tattoo, but the original sketch, which is done by a famous, very high demand tattoo/sketch artist) is just f’n stupid. im willing to bet non a u monkeys can sketch, draw, or paint. paying someone to tattoo u dont make u an artist or expert. u just a fashion snob, cuz tattoos just happen to be trendy at the moment. go get laid..
@D3FiANC3 97147 wrote:
The original sketch is indeed bad, but the tattoo is worse. He made “chocolate chips” where there should have only been light shading and the line work is still very shaky. Now I’m wondering how anyone could look at that original sketch and think “Wow! I need to get that on me!” :x[/QUOTE
people here are very insulting. if you know graffiti street style art, youd understand why the line are thicker and thinner different parts.
im not, i like it. not a big fan of hi-def shop tats. ill get the shading touch’d up but otherwise no complaints.
has anybody actually seen the original drawing cuz to me it look pretty accurate.
some ppl are just mean..
some ppl are just mean..i guess its just too easy online..
correct me if i’m wrong but i think its spelled utter no udder unless there’s a pun somewhere in there?!
wow thx, can you post pics of similar tattoo but done right so i can ompare
can u be a bit more specific, for future reference. the outline is identical to the original. the shading, not the greatest
Is is sort of a ying-yang thing?
Is it an unhappy marriage?
Can you explain for the curious?
the sad male is a sun. i just like the style of art. like a cartoony graffiti style.
its supposed to be a variation of the comedy/tragedy masks.
wat in particular, maybe i can touch it up