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Maybe I can help out a bit, since I have diabetes and I have had new tattoos done since being diagnosed.

It is different for everyone.
I’m type 2 (no idea if that makes a difference at all) and I have to say that my healing does go a bit slower, but it’s not so bad. And that’s the thing.

Your friend should look at how her body usually reacts to wounds and if they heal quick enough and in a good way. If that is fine, there should not be a problem.

Is this her first tattoo? Or has she had more (maybe before being diagnosed with diabetes)?
If it’s her first, make sure she knows how to prepare as well if she goes through with it. That means: eat before she goes and maybe even take some extra food or glucose with her should she need it during the setting. She should drink enough (not an awful lot, but it does help, I find).

As far as the rest goes, if she just follows the usual rules on how to look after a brand new tat, the healing process is helped plenty and should be fine.

The main thing is how her body usually heals. When that is slower or in any other way bad/troublesome, she shouldn’t have the tat done.

eighty4;37195 wrote:
let us know where you decide to get inked

Will do.
I have to say I’m very impressed with some of the work at Feline, especially Gavin’s work appeals to me. So I’ll have a look there. Don’t know when yet (full agenda for a while), but this shop is at the top of my list right now.


Does this mean you only have one artist?

I’ve had a look and it looks really good, but I really don’t have the time to get this all sorted before the end of March. The design still has to be made. It’s only in my head right now.

I hope you find a new artist with a similar style. If so, I will definitely come over to have a look.


That must have been The hitchiker’s guide to the galaxy. 😀

What kind of help do you expect? I guess you understand it’s not your body so you can’t really do much about it. However, if it bothers you that much, you should tell him. Hiding how you feel will definitely not help.

Sherav;36624 wrote:
Anyhow love the ink and that Axl pick does look like him from his earlier years.

I just bought Chinese Democracy – It is good but 15 years or so to make was a longtime.

Take Care

This tattoo was done in the early nineties, so it doesn’t look like Axl looks now. Actually, I don’t like the way he looks now.

smallville_hero;36611 wrote:
I wanna go to amsterdam. erm for tulips obviously…..

The tulips are near Amsterdam, so just going to Amsterdam won’t help. You obviously want to go to Amsterdam because of the Sex Museum.

By the way…getting drugs easily is a myth…has been for years. Just thought I’d throw that into the group. :p

Sailor_Emma;36585 wrote:
tbh, the Axl one doesnt look much like Axl.

I get that remark a lot and you’re wrong. When I have found it, I’ll scan the photo with the tat and the photo it’s based on and put it on here as well.

Oh wait, I just realised, my tattoo doesn’t look like Axl anymore. 😉


My best friend had a tongue piercing a few years ago and the guy who did it went as far as promising that if she felt any pain she’d get the thing for free. I guess that shows you it’s not supposed to hurt.

She also didn’t have any pain during the healing process at all. She just talked funny for a day of which I took complete advantage. 😀

I would imagine it doesn’t realy leave a scar when you take a tongue piercing out. I had a piercing in my eyebrow (or actually quite close to it) and after taking it out you can hardly see a thing. It closed in a matter of 2 weeks I believe. You have to look really closely in order to see where it was. I can’t imagine it being any worse for a tongue piercing.


I did put those two photos (small size) in my album, so you can check them out there. Ok?


Can you access the link I put in my message? The photos are there, on flickr.

The Adidas stripes I did because I’m an Adidas fan. Don’t know why, that just happened. And besides, it looks good on a wrist.

And I’m not a dude, thank you. 😉


I have the Adidas stripes on my left wrist and the Aston Martin log on the right wrist.

I guess you can imagine the kind of remarks you get when you have Axl on your right shoulder…
It honestly doesn’t really bother me, I’m just used to people thinking I’m really weird.

Eventhough I said the photos are bad, I guess they will do to give you an idea. All the photos I’ve ever made or that have been made by my best friend of our tattoos can be seen here (56 photos at the moment).

My Gary Oldman tattoo:

My Axl tattoo:
He does look a bit stretched here…

Sailor_Emma;36576 wrote:
What celebs do you have tattooed?

I have one quite big tat of Gary Oldman. It’s based on the film Dracula he did, so the three brides are on there as well. Thought up the combination myself, so it’s a unique tat.
That’s on my back on the left.

On the right I have Axl Rose (yeah, laugh!).
I have to say that the artist really gave 1000% on that one. It’s better than the Gary Oldman one.

Actually, I also have band logos, band names and two brands on me. I’m a bit like a walking advertisment I think. 😉


Nope. No pics just yet. Well, I have some, but they’re really bad.
I need new ones, actually.


Can’t you put lotion on it and cover it with plastic?

My previous tattoo artist always covered my new tats with plastic (with tiny holes in it so the skin can breathe) and I’ve copied that. Usually that resulted in the tat healing within 4 or 5 days.
It can be a hassle to have the plastic on you (I’m talking cling foil here), but it’s worth it, I think.


Erm…feels a bit like I’m the idiot who has done it. :rolleyes:

Oh well…
Think what you want, but I have two and intend to have another someday (when I can finally go to the USA and have the money together).

To me tattoos represent moments in my life and therefore, no matter who or what the subject is, it’s ok if things change. My past doesn’t change.

So from me a big yes. I’m happy with my two celebs. 😀

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