replied to the topic im thinking of getting a Tattoo is it worth it ? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 17 years ago
I have one on my back and I didnt find it painful at all. The first 2 minutes were the only bad part..getting used to the feeling. After that it was a breeze. However, mine isnt as big as your talking about.
I am getting a large tattoo on my outter thigh so I am a little worried about pain also. But I know I can survive.
I dont think you should…[Read more]
replied to the topic Getting my second tattoo…a couple questions! in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 17 years ago
And btw I am a female…if that matters. haha.
Its 2 lizards, with some flowers.
replied to the topic Hi, I'm Chase in the forum Introduce Yourself 17 years ago
Hi Im Nicole. Im new too! Nice to meet ya.
replied to the topic How much should this cost? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 17 years ago
Your best bet might be to call them, and send them a fax of the picture or email it to them or something before you go to find out.
Its really hard to say how much it will cost. I got a tattoo that cost $150 and it is fairly large, while my boyfriend got a tattoo smaller than mine with a little less detail and his cost $400. Prices can vary…[Read more]