he told me too use unscented lotion which i use moister recovery lotion, at first i used ultra healing lotion which is usually about $20 per bottle, he also said wash it when i take a shower and before i go to sleep and lotion it about 2-4 times daily, and use berts bees wax in between, he told me not to pick the scabs. but he didnt realy specify the type of soap i should use so i been using ivory soap but no color has come out there still deep emerald and i made sure that no color was leaking out. he said some people heal about 1-2 weeks after they are inked, his roommate heals within 7-8 days. and hes been inking for 18-20 years and he also has a diploma from a tattoo school cause his teacher owns a chain of stores in atlanta
but i realy didnt follow his instructions