Nunna Yorz
replied to the topic When you're not listening to hip-hop/rap, what else are you listening to? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 6 months ago
I listen to Reggae, but not the new dance hall stuff. I’m old school with that too. Then I listen to some Funk/Soul, like Curtis Mayfield, The Isleys, P Funk, and so on, and I listen to some old school Blues music, which is the base of all the modern music we listen to today.
replied to the topic Has anyone heard about Hip Hop artists selling their souls to the devil? Is it true?? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 6 months ago
When songs like “Chicken Noodle Soup”, “Laffy Taffy”, and “Lip Gloss” can pass for good Hip Hop (I’d go so far as to say that’s not even Hip Hop, period) then you KNOW somebody had to have sold their soul to the music industry!
Ok, maybe the ‘soul’ thing is a little exaggerated, but there really are more sellout rappers than ever. They are…[Read more]
replied to the topic Is old rap/hip hop better than today's? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 6 months ago
Oldschool is definitely better.
In the late 80s-early 90s, emceeing was like an art form. People like Rakim came out and took it to a higher level. Compare that to today’s scrub rappers like Jeezy. Not even close to being on the same level.
Also, it’s too easy now to make a b/s rap song, and it’s hurting music in Hip Hop. Anybody can download…[Read more]
replied to the topic Other then the top ten people, how many "best answers" do you have in hip hop? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 6 months ago
I have around 50 best answers or so in Hip Hop.
But I’m a jack-of-all-trades so I’ve got a couple of religious answers, philosophy, and even astronomy.
replied to the topic what are the newest hip hop and rap videos that barely released? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 6 months ago
Turn on the tv, or look it up online. That bubblegum rap is everywhere. I might sound like I’m hatin’, but there’s no need to ask.
Ay Bay Bay Remix?!?
replied to the topic who has seen the truth behind hip hop? in the forum Music – Video – Film 17 years, 7 months ago
That whole Youtube thing was off track.
Hip Hop music makes kids want to smoke marijuana? Um, no. People smoke it because they choose to. Nobody puts a gun to your head and makes you do anything like that. You do it, or not, on your own.
I grew up listening to Hip Hop, and I still do. So why didn’t I end up living all of these stereotypes that…[Read more]