Chief D;65222 wrote:
Blacklight inks do in fact work.
Proven, or not they are a specialty application.They are clearly not for everyone.
But its kind of like having a secret that you can reveal when you want to.
i totally agree… not for everyone i know, but they have been around a lot longer than people think, i started looking into them when i was around 16, im 26 now, still haven’t found any serious or proven info that the’re any more dangerous than normal ink, it seems like everything now days will give you cancer so i took my chances and had one done last year….
early inks used some sort of chemical that was identified as possibly harmful but that was sorted long ago, uv ink is becoming very popular now people are hearing about it more, i keep seeing it more and more at conventions around the uk….
its a great conversation starter and you can buy blacklight keyring so if you want someone to see it then they can, if not its just for you!