replied to the topic Tatoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Thanx. Wrist tatoos are the same i had to have it removed. Then replaced lol.
I was think of a thigh tatoo for my next tatoo. Just need to think of a new design.
Im running out of places to put tatoos lol.
There all fairly small but i have 15 all together -
replied to the topic Tatoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Nar i got rid of the nicotine after 8 months its just water and glyceein and flaver lol.
I make it myself.
Eveyone laughs cos im adicted to water vaper lol.. -
replied to the topic Tatoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Yer its just water vaper its just to stop craving so i dont gain waight.
They are really good. Aint had a ciggie in 18 months. -
replied to the topic 52 hours in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Well im dyslexic an spell check dont pick up on the missing t and when i read it back it looks right to me.
You know what you win im not comming on her to be bullied and ridiculed.
replied to the topic 52 hours in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Omg why does it bother u when I leave one t out now and then. I spelt it write more than wrong.
I just don’t get why it bothers you narky arse. -
replied to the topic 52 hours in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Wel I got 15 tatoos had 1 lazered and redone. The longest was about an hour and abit. The shortest was 35 mins.
I just got small ish tattoos scattered everwhere lol. I couldn’t tell u the exact time really cos the tatoo shop is next to where I work
And i know everyone so i spend hours in there drinking tea. I just love tatoos. -
replied to the topic 52 hours in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
There dam good tattoos.
Wish I kept track of the hours. That’s cool lol -
replied to the topic Chest Tattoos on Women in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 7 months ago
It’s a nice tatoo.
For me my friend just got a back tatoo I wouldn’t want the same. I like to be different.
People will think you copied her.
So chest tatoo would be completely diff -
replied to the topic Firm offers pay rise to get tattoos in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 7 months ago
Well yet would depend where you worked I suppose lol.
The sign for the shop I work r doves in a heart a sign for beauty so it would look good but would only get it for extra pay lol.
Be crap if u left that job though haha -
replied to the topic New ink, mybe not for everyone but in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Well it’s not my cup of tea.
I had a dog that died dont find dogs offensive not even the same thing what so ever.
I’m not going to compliment it as its distasteful in my eyes.
But it’s not my tattoo so if u like it that’s all that matters. -
replied to the topic New ink, mybe not for everyone but in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
If u know of people who’s been shot then yea it’s bad taste.
It’s not my thing everyone is different. -
replied to the topic New ink, mybe not for everyone but in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Why would u get that done? Are u in the army or something ?
Really Not my thing sorry think its in bad taste. -
replied to the topic Tatoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Thanx xx.
Yer I did everyone told it was a terrible idea. But as usual I never listen hehe. -
replied to the topic Tatoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Its a electric cigeret gave up smoking. I try take a better pic but my camra on my phone sucks.
replied to the topic Tatoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Thanx xc
All my friends told me it was a horrible place to get a tatoo.
Since i had it done everyone complimented it. -
replied to the topic Chest Tattoos on Women in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 7 months ago
I like chest tatoos better than back.
Take no nottice of your other half he will prob like it when its done.
Mine didnt want me to get a boob tatoo till he seen it now he thinks its sexy his personal tatoo only he sees. -
replied to the topic Chest Tattoos on Women in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 7 months ago
Go for it. If I was brave enough I would get it done.
replied to the topic Phoenix Tattoo now finished in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
That’s really nice x
replied to the topic Tatoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Yer im gonna start my own gang. Armed with nail pollish an nqil nail files lol.
We can make sure everyone has pretty nails lil -
replied to the topic Tatoo in the forum Inked Skin 11 years, 7 months ago
Thanx guys xxx.
Funny enough sam someone asked me me yesterday was i a spy or in a gang lol. - Load More