replied to the topic Do I have a legit reason to hate this!?! in the forum Introduce Yourself 9 years, 11 months ago
I also want to thank everyone who replied 😉
I’m SOOOO Happy that I didn’t go back to have it filled it, I’m feeling so much better about exploring other options and I think if I had colored the arm it would have really limited my options and made for a lengthy process ….. so super happy about that… Its a mistake but at this point its still…[Read more]
replied to the topic Do I have a legit reason to hate this!?! in the forum Introduce Yourself 9 years, 11 months ago
I had a consult with another artist yesterday… they do tattoo removal at the same shop and he said for sure it would need to be lightened but he thinks it might just need one pass with the laser to lighten up enough to cover which is great if that’s the case ;)…. We talked about covering the entire upper arm with a snake/flowers/mouse design…[Read more]
replied to the topic Do I have a legit reason to hate this!?! in the forum Introduce Yourself 9 years, 11 months ago
I did see the stencil, but it was much smaller and more detailed on the drawing then what was actually applied… I actually liked it for the first week and then slowly I have grown to hate it lol…. 3 weeks ago I emailed the artist and told him that I was having reservations and asked if he could shade in the stencil with some color or even a…[Read more]
replied to the topic Thigh Tattoo Healing in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 11 months ago
Mine was pretty sore for a while, at least a month and a half until it stopped peeling and looking decent.
I find that red takes longer to heal, not sure if yours is red or if thats normal but its been my experience….
replied to the topic Do I have a legit reason to hate this!?! in the forum Introduce Yourself 9 years, 11 months ago
Heres a pictures of the one on my shoulder (done by the same artist)
And another one that I have that I LOVE (done by a different artist)
replied to the topic Do I have a legit reason to hate this!?! in the forum Introduce Yourself 9 years, 11 months ago
lol THANK YOU lol
I fell like nobody whos knows me in real life wants to tell me the truth about it….