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Id be interested to know who much you know about the monarchy and if you actually live in Britain. I have watched it before and thought its was spot on. The Queen is not a cow, she is a traditionalist and a royal. Its not the done thing to show emotion. also she made the unprecidented thing by allowing the flags at buckinham palace to fly at half mast – this is only doen if the monarch herself has died.
It was good that Charles brought her back, – who else would have done it? If her own family did it then it would look like a snub from the royal family. She was the mother to the heir to the throne so it was only right that the childrens father bring their mother home.
No one killed Diana, the reason Mr Al Fyed continues with this acusation is because he doesnt want to admit that one of his employees had driven the car (whilst drunk) that killed the most photographed and influential woman of the 20th century.
Diana wasnt actually the best thing that happened to the Royal family, she put them in a bad light for years and has tarnished everyones view of Charles. Read up on this subject – and dont just read the biased Diana books…


Learn how to write scrips first. There are books out there that show you how. If you learn how to do it then that could maybe be a sideline if you dont manage to become a singer/actress.

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