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Sweet dude! Well, please let me know what it’s like if you dont mind as I’d love to give one a proper try!



Hahaha! Aw man, I get you there! I think that is what inspired the rant about my Nan, I mean, I only have to see her once every 365 days and when I do, she fucks me off! This year, she gave me a lovely conversation about my ex, followed by as you say, who’s died this year and the in’s and out’s about relatives I dont care about!

Being a grumpy, anti-social bugger is great aint it! It serves me well:)

2009 better be a good year for me, or I’ll be writing a serious letter of complaint! 😉


Sickone;32414 wrote:
as far as messing up your teeth goes, its all on a case by case basis.

Same thing with a tongue piercing. If you click your teeth with it yes it will. If you don’t it all depends on how its pierced and how your anatomy is. I would tell you to ask a professional piercer in whom you trust about that.

As far as being seen with the glass retainer. Yes you will see it. it’s unavoidable. I personally at this point (been about 8-9 months I’d guess) am able to go like 12 hours without mine in before it hurts a little to put it in. I have mine out 8 hours a day and it looks similar to like a freckle when it’s out. I have no pain and no problems putting it back in. My boss actually got angry because he thought that I took it our do to my other job and showed more respect for them than the job I was at. I showed him that I put it in once i’m off clock and he was appreciative that I was willing to take it our during work. IDK its all case by case.

First and foremost though.

I’d rather lose a piercing than a job and if you feel the opposite way (no matter who you are) then your an idiot.

I then, am surely an idiot, as I once walked away from a job because I went with my heart and not my head and refused to remove my piercings.

They are piercings? How can they possibly effect a persons ability to work, effect who a person is? They cannot. An employer cannot ask you to remove a tattoo, perhaps they feel they have power over a piercing?

I got another job straight away, in that job, they did’nt even ask about my piercings or tattoos, they employed me. Though, the job was’nt for me, so I left after a short time though I ensured I had another job before I did so, where again, they did not ask me to remove my piercings or alter my apearance. Nor did I change my piercings for the interview, I put my suit on and went how I was.

I accept though, there are circumstances and new jobs, at certain times ar’nt always that easy to come across. Were it different circumstances for me and I was’nt so cock sure that I would walk straight into a new job, I may well of had to remove my piercings, but I’m proud that I did’nt. I can also understand an employer having a problem if you turn up for work with a new piercing; but in my case, I cant understand an employer developing a problem with piercings you’ve always had.


Izarrasink;32445 wrote:
lol, when i got my first tattoo, my mother said “you’re just like your fucken father!” hehehe she hated him of course, my dear uncle who actually raised me said ” god what did you go and do that for? you’ve ruined yourself now, you’ll regret it for life” and blah blah blah they went hehehe, but they loved me and knew i’d just do as i pleased anyway. When i told my dad i was going to be a tattoo artist he thought it was a fantastic idea, although he wont let me near him with my machine, hehehe dont like the pain he wreckons.

Anyhoo different strokes for different folks aye.:D

Haha! That made me smile! My old man after myself was my first guinnea pig that I tattooed! He really loves the idea of me being a tattooist and is very supportive which is great! Not sure what I would’ve done without him to be honest, I mean it does’nt really matter how much grape fruit, fake skin or pig skin or whatever others may suggest that you first practise on, nothing compares to tattooing real skin and there is only so much of my own skin I could practise on!

Scrubmuncher, I undersatnd your point; though, I think you missed mine a little. What I mean by inked people are better; well that is a phrase I have adopted that was once said to me and it rings true to me. The literally meaning, I mean if you interpret it exactly as I said it, then, your right it’s just bollox! Having tattoo’s does’nt just make you a better person; for sure, there are certainly some really horrible people out there with ink! I mean, like minded poeple, whom understand you for what you are; that do not judge you for ahving tattoos yet feel more of a mutual respect for you, for being tattooed, does that at all make sense?

Though my Nan may not like my ‘public ink’, that was ofcourse my choice and you are right; yes it does effect employment and possible relationships. But these are things I thought hard about before I had such tattoos. Though, that was kinda’ what my Nan said was’nt it, ‘you’ll never get a decent girlfriend if you get anymore tattoos’, my point really was, well, I dont want a girlfriend that does’nt like my tattoos. How can I word this, every girl that has liked or been involved with me, has liked me; not an image, they’ve liked me and the tattoos they are part of me.



Good man, you sound like you’ve got your head screwed on! I’ve met plenty of well, kids who’ve not learnt what you’ve just said untill after they’ve had their first off!

I was walking past the Triumph garage earlier actually, was eyeballing more than a few machines; but the more and more I look at the Speedtriple the more and more I want one!

I dont know if you’ve said already, but what is your off road bike? I only ask because the first time you get on a 600 you shit yourself! Then after a few weeks, you want more speed! My old man tells me it’s the same for him on his 1400 now, not sure you can get what he’s got in the states actually, it’s a SuzukiGSX1400; awesome machine.

Anyway, I’ve gone right off topic. This is kinda’ on subject, but your tread tattoo idea reminded me of something. I’ve got this skull and rose design on my right forearm, all bold blocks of colour and quite unusually; anyway, I got the design turned into a patch and it’s now sewn onto the back of one of my leathers! Looks sweet. Just like the tread cap/shirt, it makes a really nice companion to the tattoo.



Hmm, that’s interesting. We’ll, like I say, compared to my first machine the Sharpz is a dream! But who knows, maybe I’ll have a similiar feeling after I’ve tried out some other machines.
I was looking at Sunskin machines just the other day, but only in their catalogue! I’d like to get a proper feel for them before I even considered buying them.
Another machine, if you can even call it that; that I’ve been reading up on, though if only to try and understand what it’s all about is the neuma. I dont feel like I want to run out and buy one and convert, but I’d like to have a hold of one and get a feel for it, see what there all about.



Sweet dude.

I’ve replied to your pm and will e-mail you proper in a moment.

I understand completely where you are coming from! Myself, I have many projects I am working on and things I’d like to do, but mostly concerning ‘art’ type things.

I love to write, but only really on an amateur level and I have often thought that I could produce a better tattoo book than the average on the market so, I’d love to help and participate.




I dont have a labret, though, that does’nt mean what I have to say is’nt valid.

For starters, as far as I am aware, no it does’nt mess up your teeth! How can it? This however coming from a guy who’s had to have a bit of dental repair work, so I’m kinda’ blaze. But honestly, though I may not care about the contents of my own jaw, I can assure you that it will not mess up your teeth and I can say that because I know lots of people who have said piercing.

My old man has a labret, he’s got a great big biker beard too and the whole point of him having such a piercing is that it can be seen, so, he has a great big 8mm ball on it! Though, if he had a smaller ball, we’d not be able to see it but that is purely because of the huge beard!

Also, I went out with a girl once who had such a piercing; but she could’nt wear it for her job so she tried wearing one of those ‘clear plastic retainer’ things and frankly, you could still see it.

Sorry if that is a bit negative, just my expirience.



My first tat was on my 18th birthday, a rite of passage I’m sure you’ll agree. It was a tribal design that I drew myself; I originally tried to get it inked when I was 15 and thankfully failed!
The only change I made to the design in that time was the size, I increased it considerably. I actually sat for about 10 hours that day, it was’nt really a 10 hour tattoo but for some reason; I dont know if it was nerves or what, but despite sitting still in the chair the muscles in my arm kept twitching!
I’m pretty heavily covered now and I’ve never had that problem with any other tattoo! That original tattoo is lost now though, in a sleave of tribal! Not covered, it has just grown!
I guess I was bitten by the tattoo bug before my first ink, I had plans for several already but I had no idea how deeply I was bitten! My plans changed, grew, etc, I never planned to have as much ink as I have now and I plan for me, I love it, I’m addicted for sure.



So, I’ve just found the thread that I mentioned I could’nt find in my pm to you!

Ok dude, yeah; well all of my ink has a story. I could natter for paragraphs and paragraphs about my ink and my expiriences etc. So, fire away!

As for that whale tattoo that has been burnt onto your noggin, have you ever seen that famous dragon picture? If you have, you’d know! It makes you go wow! Then, why? In the same breath.


Outlaw;31941 wrote:
its like sitting in a car park and seing the difference between a ford escort and a ferrari 😉

we just like inflicting pain….. but with style Bwahahahaha :p

Awww man! I know just what you mean! That’s a really beautiful looking thing! I love it, I’d be really happy with that.

I’m still learning to tattoo, but my first machine(s) was this piece of shit really. I was well stoked with it at the time, I did’nt know; I had nothing to compare it against!

I have Mickey Sharpz machines now; I love them! You know the feeling! It’s like, how did I do without them?



I dont want to sound patronising at all bud, because that is’nt my intention. This is coming from expirience too and I’m sure by the sound of it Sherav with his tread scar, but at the end of the day it does’nt really matter what bike you have; the ‘thing’ that needs to be the best and the sharpest on the roads when your on a bike, any bike, is you, the rider. But just because there are so many crazy, careless, reckless, thoughtless etc, etc, other road users out there. As my old man taught me, I like to treat every car is if they are out to kill me.

That is a sweet choice of ride though my friend and they look bad ass fightered. You can really chuck 600’s around too.

I think your tattoo is going to look awesome too mate.



I have to agree, in that I really dis-like Mr Louis Malloy; hate the guys “holier than though attitude” as Outlaw put it and Outlaw is right; his attitude stinks.

I know of a few tattooists like him, with a similiar attitude and I really dont understand it. I always think to be modest is far better; even if deep down, you know your bloody good! But also, as stated by Outlaw, he aint’ that good; there are many of tattooist out there like and far better than him. His fame is pretty much only aquired because he had the luck or fortune of tattooing David Beckham, as this thread pays testament too.

Also, for that matter; while we’re on the subject; I prefer to have a really good ‘chin wag’ with the person tattooing me. I have a great rapport with my tattooist, I consider him a friend. Granted, there are times when he is concentrating or I do not feel like talking through pain or concentration myself, but that is obvious really.



That’s a real beauty! Very nice indeed; I really, really like that; you should be proud to wear it.



Hay man.

I’ve got something to show you. I just read this thread and anyway, here is my Batman tattoo; I too drew it up myself, but it’s based on the very same Jim Lee sketch; I’ve taken the piccy from a strange angle so you cant quite see it in preportion. It’s a whole half leg sleave, I have a variant of a Jim Lee Joker face on the other side:


So what I’m saying dude, is go with Batman!


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