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  • replied to the topic Hello + quick question in the forum Introduce Yourself 13 years ago

    Tom Earhart; guy from Minnesota

    Thanks for the second opinions and stuff 😀 Glad I’m on the right track.

    I’ll make sure to post up more on my album as this progresses

  • replied to the topic Hello from Kansas City in the forum Introduce Yourself 13 years ago

    I’m not really sure at all about having it as a teacher. To be honest though, alot of it probably does depend in what kind of an area you live. I spent two years in high school in the inner cities and my junior and senior years in the suburbs. In the inner city school there were ALOT of teachers that had visible ink; a few of them with full…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Hello + quick question in the forum Introduce Yourself 13 years ago

    The tribal was there before. Planning to make it so its etched in a rock though (its supposed to be a cave the dragon is in). I’m not planning on getting too many colors though. The colors we have in mind are black, grey, and cobalt blue. Hoping to make the contrast in colors what will add the depth and realism.
    The only things that seem a little…[Read more]

  • replied to the topic Hello + quick question in the forum Introduce Yourself 13 years ago

    The worst tattoo in the history of tattooing because of a shitty pic right? I honestly think its great; just not 100% sure if preceding what I’m going for. I’m sorry about the horrible pic though. I’m the only one at home right now so can’t get anyone else to take a pic for me but I’ll try getting a new pic up tomorrow of it.
    Sorry again

  • replied to the topic Hello + quick question in the forum Introduce Yourself 13 years ago

    Thanks for the quick reply! I uploaded a picture; sorry if its bad quality. Spent like 20 minutes in the bathroom trying to get a good pic of my back using the mirror. The main part I was worried about though was the head. My artist is hella chill and definitely seems like he knows what hes doing but its just one of those nagging worries in my…[Read more]

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