replied to the topic Adding to crest in the forum Tattoo Ideas 14 years, 10 months ago
Gsouder;68135 wrote:
Putting myself at risk of waisting another 2 minutes of your time…I think what he was trying to say was instead of asking a bunch of strangers on the internet for pictures of crows wings go to an artist and let them draw it for you. They can see you tat, the size, shape etc and they can make it exactly how you want…[Read more]
replied to the topic Adding to crest in the forum Tattoo Ideas 14 years, 10 months ago
Jubakuba;68136 wrote:
Yeah, you fuck.cry about it some more and type bad bad bad words to someone else
replied to the topic Adding to crest in the forum Tattoo Ideas 14 years, 10 months ago
Jubakuba;68108 wrote:
We seem to get design requests a lot on this site…
But to be honest, I don’t see the point.Would you go into a bakery with your mother’s recipe for cake?
Probably not…because the bakery (assuming they love what they do) would not put their heart into your mother’s cake recipe.
That, and your mother knows how she…[
replied to the topic need help… with ideas in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 14 years, 10 months ago
Based on what you’ve been through, maybe a phoenix rising from the ashes would interest you? I’ve always associated the phoenix as a symbol of survival and rebirth.
I’m glad to hear that you are getting better too.