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  • replied to the topic Tattoo aftercare? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 16 years, 11 months ago

    Keep the bandage on for approximately one hour, and no more than six.

    Once you remove the bandage, wash it every 4 hours with antibacterial soap (never dish soap)

    Some use A&D ointment but I never have and in most cases, you don’t need to.

    After 4 days, begin applying unscented lotion. I use lubriderm but curel works equally well. Any good…[Read more]

  • Just keep it clean, and keep up with the lotioning. You will be fine. You may need a touch up, you may not. It may just be that area healed faster than the rest. You will have to wait and see. Many times while a tattoo is healing, it looks like the ink is coming out and there are spots where the ink didn’t take, but once it is all healed, it looks…[Read more]

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