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Can’t say I am no.


And that was before the tattoos lol


Jodie Marsh has some pretty horrible ones


I have to save personally when I was 17-19 living at home yea I was getting Inked every few months , nowadays its once or twice a year.

Sherav;41585 wrote:

Why not combine some of the states known imagery such as the statue of liberty and whatever Texas is known for (Guns? – I’m a Brit so excuse my ignorance but you get my drift).


Take care

Haha that would be a tattoo worth seeing statue of liberty with a revolver!

Butterfly_Kisses;41621 wrote:
he is clearly not a girl , they is hair on his chin !
and that does look bad sorry ! it can be fixed by a professional easily though so dont worry too much .

yesterday i noticed on my face book a friend of a friend has an album called tattoo’s that i have done and no end of people have let her use their arms for practice and have tattoo’s like yours .
since machines have been sold on ebay for less than 200 quid ..

I have seen something similar an ex of mine on facebook has a mate who has tattooed her among others and my god are these tattoos an abomination to the art. I still don’t understand why these people think anyone can pick up the equipment and just do it.

Aussie_Al;41490 wrote:
yeah I felt both my elbows weren’t too bad

but some people swear they hurt like hell – LOL

Yea there was the odd spot that was a bit ouch but wasn’t bad at all.

Joker1;41523 wrote:
Looks pretty sweet man, it’s worked really well on the elbow

Yea looks really good from any angle when my elbow bends

Butterfly_Kisses;41527 wrote:
very nice i digg it 😎

Thank you 😀


Cheers man 🙂


A clearer image of the tattoo!


Yea the elbow. It hurt but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, few bits were like ouch! rest of it was fine.


At worst I’ve been asked to leave a restaraunt because of my tattoos. Discrimination is a terrible thing wether that be skin colour, life style choice etc. It shouldn’t happen in this modern era.

Sherav;38353 wrote:
Thanks Peeps

I was actually near tears today because it means I cannot complete my dream of a backpiece tattoo.

Then I realised that I was just feeling damn sorry for myself, and I should consider myself lucky compared to what others suffer with.

Sadly I cannot get anymore ink because they are saying that if I don’t bleed to point of needing a transfusion, I will more than likely get an infection which will go septic. I did a long search on the net and every damn site is giving it the thumbs down.

They have offered me some drugs to boost my red blood count and all that and told me to watch my iron intake.

I appreciate the kind words and yes KH I do blame the inbreeding – life was hard enough with one eye and eleven toes. :p

The upside is this will not kill me, and at least I can understand why I feel so damn tired all the time (laziness aside).

I am still gonna be on the boards peeps as I love ink and nothing is gonna change that.

Take Care

Isn’t there any sort of medication that will clot your blood so your able to get tattooed? Or Have the artist go easy on you ? There has to be a way around it surely?


The more you relax the easier it will be. Eat a good meal before u go dont be hungover etc. Most artists are very talkactive so that will keep your mind off it or take your ipod etc and just plug in and drift away.


The outline generally hurts more than the colour, so once you have the outline done you’ll be on the home stretch. My personal opinion I prefer the black n grey one more solid and defiant.


Ahh yea back of the arm is a bit of a sore spot its like baby skin down there lol General pain its like a burning and scratching sensation if its an hour or so its very bearable its when you start doing 3 4 hour sessions it stops becoming funny.

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