Samantha Bassa-Romero
replied to the topic Tattoo Gun or Tattoo Machine? To be or not to be… in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 5 months ago
@mrchen 110056 wrote:
You came here to start an argument, I think the patent office holds our answer, your wrong, and a smart ass to boot, I like your signature, I think your presence here is going to die, very soon, we don’t need trolling assholes here to post threads simply for the sake of fighting with established members and professionals in…
replied to the topic Tattoo Gun or Tattoo Machine? To be or not to be… in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 5 months ago
@jerryatrophy 145804 wrote:
Three year old troll thread. You deserve a cookie.
I was not trolling I was watching Ink Master and the subject of gun vs machine came up, and I have heard it called both. I looked the matter up to find out more about it and the OP’s post popped up in the Google search results and I checked it out after first…[Read more]
replied to the topic Tattoo Gun or Tattoo Machine? To be or not to be… in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 5 months ago
Samuel O’Reilly patented the first tattoo machine ever which was a rotary machine. The first single coil machine was patented by Thomas Riley. Not Percy Waters. Both were patented as machines by the way.