replied to the topic Funding your ink in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 15 years, 8 months ago
Anytime I want new ink I have to save for a few months. Bills gotta come first…so I decide I want to get a tattoo I start saving up some money and usually by the time i have enough saved up i know what I want and so I guess it works out.
replied to the topic What do you think of Celebrities with wrist tattoos? in the forum Celebrity Skin 15 years, 8 months ago
Well I have both of these things. I have tattoos on both my wrists which I love both of. So I dont see anything wrong as far as wrist tattoos go. And as far as having your significant others name tattooed on you, well I have my boyfriends initials tattooed on my shoulder and he has mine in the same spot. We have been together for three years and…[Read more]