replied to the topic Tattoo care AFTER Sun and Raised Ink!! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years, 2 months ago
Thanks Aussie.
yea, tough not to be anxious about this. I am stoked with my ink and its with me for life so i certainly hope the puffiness subsides. My main concern is getting it under control and hoping it never happens again. When its all puffy it just looks like the ink is going to burst right out of it. Very nerve racking experience.
People…[Read more]
replied to the topic Tattoo care AFTER Sun and Raised Ink!! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years, 2 months ago
KnightHawk…. I think when i get responses like ‘nah, Outlaw already responded’ as my ONLY response i have a right to want to have another opinion. is Outlaw the only artist on this forum? I would think not, but i am new so maybe he is. At any case, Knighthawk youre the one being a dick and btw Metallica sucks and have for years, so i don think i…[Read more]
replied to the topic Tattoo care AFTER Sun and Raised Ink!! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years, 2 months ago
So i guess hoping for other opinions is out of the question? i thought thats what forums were all about? My mistake i guess..
replied to the topic Tattoo care AFTER Sun and Raised Ink!! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years, 2 months ago
so noone has any feedback, suggestions? i cant be the only person that has had this issue. Most of us cant remain out of the sun for our entire lives. Thankfully right now i am in winter and dont have to worry about this for 6 months, but am still open to ideas on how to care for an already healed tattoo. I want to do everyhting possible to avoid…[Read more]
replied to the topic Tattoo care AFTER Sun and Raised Ink!! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years, 2 months ago
Right. i figured as much. My ink was not raised prior to the Sun so its really p*ssing me off that i have a permanent piece of artwork that i feel might be ruined due to not knowing my artists ink would react this way in sunlight. I mean this is really unavoidable. I have reds, yellows, green, purples in my other tattoo that are totally fine, so…[Read more]
started the topic Tattoo care AFTER Sun and Raised Ink!! in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 15 years, 2 months ago
Hi all,
I have searched the web, high and low, for an answer as to what i should do for raised/itchy tattoo and everyone seems to respond to the posts online with similar situations but no solution.
My wife and i had our honeymoon last week. We went to Jamaica. I have 2 tat’s. One is 7 years old the other is just about 3 months old. The…[Read more]