replied to the topic Dissapointed with my half sleeve; to get fixed or not? in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 6 months ago
KnightHawk;117694 wrote:
It’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be, but it ain’t nothing to be proud of either. It’s honestly a big, steaming pile of meh.And you should under no circumstances go back to THAT shop. Ever.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
Makes me feel a little better, haha.
I would rather it just be a ‘meh’ tat then one that…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Dissapointed with my half sleeve; to get fixed or not? in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 6 months ago
How u guys think I can fix it? Which parts specifically(if any).
Sorry; I live in Ottawa Ontario.
Is this is BAD tattoo?
replied to the topic Dissapointed with my half sleeve; to get fixed or not? in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 6 months ago
mrchen;117633 wrote:
the artist is not good, hanyna looks like a freakin chimp, lion stinks, I would have these worked on a bit by a great artist, they can be omproved, alot, good luckHow do you think they can be improved? I don’t want to go to a shop and say “fix this”, I would prefer to say “can you fix this part, make this more like that,…[Read more]