replied to the topic does it hurt in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 6 months ago
@schwartz1 130518 wrote:
I was about ready for it to be done.
That’s a good way to describe it.
I’m fortunate that the two artists that work on me have a light touch.
Once during a long session on my foot and ankle Anthony asked how the pain was. I said I hadn’t thought about kicking him in the face yet. That day, Skelly the piercer started…[Read more] -
replied to the topic When is the best time to switch from aquaphor to lubriderm in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 11 years, 6 months ago
@schwartz1 129804 wrote:
Please explain the rewrap process.
I am assuming it is…cleaning, pat dry, air dry, wrap with a new wrap?@yodaddynukka 129809 wrote:
4 hours or so after the artist wrapped you up, undo the wrap and wash it with antibacterial soap. pat dry and re-wrap. do this 4x a day until first signs of peeling. stop wrapping, then wash…
replied to the topic When is the best time to switch from aquaphor to lubriderm in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 11 years, 6 months ago
@schwartz1 129804 wrote:
Please explain the rewrap process.
I am assuming it is…cleaning, pat dry, air dry, wrap with a new wrap?4 hours or so after the artist wrapped you up, undo the wrap and wash it with antibacterial soap. pat dry and re-wrap. do this 4x a day until first signs of peeling. stop wrapping, then wash 2-3x a day and use a LIGHT…[Read more]
replied to the topic Opinions on my idea in the forum Introduce Yourself 11 years, 7 months ago
@schwartz1 129717 wrote:
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I am having issues with my PC, so I can’t post a pic of my existing tattoo.
Well I hope you have those PC issues sorted out soon, because I certainly want to see pics of this one when it is done. You have picked a great artist to work with. Looking forward to seeing it.
Welcome to the forum.